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Mexican Volkswagen workers win six per cent pay rise

19 agosto, 2011The agreement with the company also includes a one-off payment for union members, employment contracts for temporary workers and company contributions to the cost of school materials for the children of union members.

Workers best placed to monitor conditions in Apple's supply chains

22 marzo, 2012The International Metalworkers' Federation joins with other labour and consumer groups to call on Apple to give workers a voice in their future and demand more information about the factories where its components are made.

Fortune's world's most admired metal companies are unionized.

28 marzo, 2012If you have read or seen materials produced by some of the world's biggest union busting companies then you would be convinced that it's not possible to have a successful company that's unionized. These companies talk of unions as third parties forgetting that unions are made up of ordinary working people who are major stakeholders in the companies they work for.

Demand justice for workers at Apple supplier in Turkey

30 marzo, 2012Serious violations of workers' rights continue at Trexta in Turkey, a supplier for Apple, Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung, Dell and other electronics companies. The International Labour Rights Forum (ILRF) is mobilizing supporters to demand that Apple investigate allegations of labour rights abuses at the company, and force Trexta to reinstate workers fired for trying to form a union.

Kosovo union president arrested

30 marzo, 2012Mr. Hasan Abazi, President of the SPMK Industrial Union, was arrrested on March 28 in the Southern Serbia while travelling to Zagreb to attend a meeting of three European trade union federations, EMF, EMCEF, ETUF-TCL.

Thousands march for locked-out Rio Tinto workers in Canada

3 abril, 20128,000 unionists and supporters rally in Alma, Quebec, on behalf of 780 Rio Tinto locked-out members of the United Steelworkers.

FLA report on Apple fails to guarantee workers a voice

2 abril, 2012Apple finally admits to issues in it's supply chain, with the release of the Fair Labour Association (FLA) report on March 29, but identifying the problem is only a first step, Apple must rely on workers themselves to monitor the labour conditions in the production of its products, not on auditors alone.

New leadership of Tunisian metalworkers elected

13 abril, 2012The Tunisian metalworkers' union (FGME) continued to pave the way for genuine renewal and democratization of the Tunisian trade union movement at its Congress on April 11 and 12, electing a new leadership team.

Outlawed pro democracy actions demobilised in Swaziland

16 abril, 2012Outrageously oppressive government of Swaziland, flouts human and labour rights, demobilising pro democracy campaign actions planned for April 12, 2012, which marks the 39th year of an on going state of emergency in Africa's smallest nation.

ICEM, IMF and ITGWLF urge Peruvian government repeal laws on contracts for non-traditional exports

16 abril, 2012These contracts deny workers the internationally recognised rights to the freedom of association and collective bargaining, impose long working hours, low pay, poor working conditions, abusive treatment and little access to health and maternity benefits and pensions because they are not permanent employment contracts.