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Workers in the Swiss metalworking sector demand their share of the profits

12 octubre, 2010In the light of the upturn in the sector, delegates at the UNIA (Swiss affiliate of the IMF) conference approved a two to three per cent pay claim and a limit on temporary work.

Malaysian electronics workers attend first IMF workshop

25 noviembre, 2010Sixteen active members of the newly formed Electronics Industry Employees Union (Southern Region) in Malaysia attended a two days IMF workshop on organizing and union building.

Organizing workers in East Africa

29 noviembre, 2010Organizing new members and building strong union were the key themes for the East African sub-regional meeting in Kenya in November.

Rights abuses debated at International Labour Conference

16 junio, 2011Rights abuses in Turkey, Mexico, Belarus, Swaziland and Zimbabwe numbered among the 25 cases regarding compliance with ILO Conventions and the rights of workers that were examined by the tripartite Committee on the Application of Standards at the International Labour Organization's annual International Labour Conference in June 2011.

New agreement at Caterpillar in Belgium

13 enero, 2011After several weeks of negotiation, trade unions finally made major breakthroughs that could go down in Caterpillar history.

Swedish temp workers receive 1.4 million euros in retroactive pay

23 junio, 2011Union organizers seek out agency workers to ensure they receive due wages. The work has resulted in substantial retroactive salary increases -- and new members.

Aerospace unions visit Paris Air Show

24 junio, 2011For the first time, a delegation of IMF affiliated unions visits the Paris Air Show, emphasizing the importance of labour in the success of the industry.

Caterpillar EWC and global union network united in action

27 junio, 2011Members of the Caterpillar European Works Council express their support for the development of the IMF Caterpillar union network in the area of health and training.

IMF protests interference in union autonomy in Ukraine

23 junio, 2011During recent months government pressure against the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FTUU) and its affiliates has significantly increased. Many trade union leaders, including FTUU president Vasyl Hara, were summoned to the prosecutor's office. IMF general secretary Jyrki Raina sent a letter to the president of Ukraine Victor Yanukovich demanding an immediate stop to the interference in trade union affairs.

Mexican Supreme Court rules in favor of Freedom of Association

29 junio, 2011The Mexican miners' union has indicated that with that ruling the country is moving toward the establishment of real justice in relations between Mexican unions and the government.