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Holcim Cement tainted in Switzerland by work rights abuses in India

17 abril, 2012Pragatisheel Cement Shramik Sangh (PCSS), an ICEM affiliate, conducted a two-week tour of activities in Switzerland in April, educating trade union colleagues on the grave violations of work rights abuses by Holcim Cement of contract workers in India's Chhattisgarh region.

Unions push to get Rio Tinto off the Olympic podium

19 abril, 2012Union members and workers handed out replica Olympic medals to Rio Tinto shareholders saying 'Don't let Rio Tinto tarnish the Olympic Games' and raised questions at the company's annual general meeting in London today, April 19, 2012.

New agreement at Caterpillar France

19 abril, 2012In addition to a pay rise, unions have managed to secure employment through the conversion of eighty precarious jobs into permanent ones.

April 28: Gerdau and Tenaris workers remember those injured and killed at work

19 abril, 2012This international workers' memorial day, the global union networks at Gerdau and Tenaris will remember those that have died, been injured or suffered ill health as a result of work and demand that occupational health and safety be one of the highest priorities at their companies.

April 28, 2012: A Day of Mourning

27 abril, 2012As we remember those that have died, been injured or suffered ill health as a result of work, we must also commit to making occupational health and safety one of the highest priorities for IndustriALL Global Union.

Global unions call for sustainable and equitable recovery

30 abril, 2012Governments must focus on creating decent, sustainable jobs and protecting workers' rights to end the current economic crisis, says Global Unions in a 2012 May Day message.

Russian think-tank: neither workers nor employers benefit from agency labour

3 mayo, 2012On April 20 the Center for Social and Labour Rights, a Moscow-based think-tank, presented the results of the research on 'Agency Labour and its Effects on Workers'. Experts found that neither workers nor employers benefit from agency labour.

Compromise reached at the Vyshnevogorsky plant in Russia

19 agosto, 2011A ten per cent wage increase will be implemented at the Vyshnevogorsky mining and processing plant in Chelyabinsk, Russia, in November 2011. The union cancelled the public action scheduled for August 18. Earlier the workers had demanded a 30 per cent wage increase.

Hanjin workers and KMWU continue fight

26 agosto, 2011Hanjin Heavy Industries insists on dismissals in breach of contract, despite huge company profits and payment of generous dividends and bonuses to owners and senior company executives. KMWU continues its fight to protect the interests of workers. A Hope Bus Rally is planned in Seoul on August 27 to 28 under the theme "Another World is Possible!

Brazilian autoworkers get hike at Renault

30 agosto, 2011On Monday, August 29 autoworkers in Sao Jose de Pinhais, Brazil voted in favour of the new agreement negotiated by the Greater Curitiba Metalworkers Union, member of the IMF affiliate Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Metalúrgicos/Força Sindical.