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Political unrest in Kyrgyzstan

21 abril, 2010In an eyewitness account of mass protests in Kyrgyzstan, IMF Regional Representative for CIS Countries reports on the events of April 7 and 8 and gives an overview of what is occurring in the country as political unrest continues.

Agreement reached with Mahle on Turkey operations

22 abril, 2010Mahle signs an agreement about freedom of association at its plant in Turkey.

International Workers' Memorial Day 2010: Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living!

22 abril, 2010Under the global theme adopted by the Global Unions for 2010, "Unions Make Work Safer," metalworkers across the world commemorate the 15th international commemoration day for dead and injured workers this April 28.

Taiwanese electronics workers fight for rights

29 abril, 2010IMF gives support to touch screen manufacturing workers fighting for basic rights at Young Fast Optoelectronics in Taiwan, a company that supplies to Samsung, LG, HTC and Google.

Turkish workers protest in Taksim Square on May Day

2 mayo, 2010Workers and unions celebrate May Day in Taksim Square for the first time in more than 30 years; global unions, including the IMF, show support and pledge to coordinate continued solidarity actions to defend workers' rights in Turkey.

Asia-Pacific metal unions want action against rights violations in the Philippines

23 abril, 2010IMF affiliates in East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific met on April 16-17 in Singapore to discuss the implementation of IMF's Action Programme at the regional and national level.

International Tribunal on Freedom of Association condemns Mexican government policies

6 mayo, 2010A Tribunal resolution repudiates government violations of human and trade union rights and calls for compliance with ILO Conventions 87 and 98 on the Freedom of Association and the Right to Organise.

Mexican Miners' Convention votes to continue campaign for union autonomy

6 mayo, 2010Mexican Miners' Union Convention decides to continue the four-year old struggle for trade union autonomy and an end to Grupo Mexico and Mexican government abuse.

Georgian metal workers go on strike to protect their rights

6 mayo, 2010Workers of a smelting plant and seven mines in Georgia organized a series of industrial actions to protect their rights and improve working conditions. The management initially responded with intimidation and harassment, but has since made some concessions and talks are continuing.

Prosecutor's office fails to do justice in Russia

9 febrero, 2010Instead of protecting labour rights prosecutor's office clings to the absurd 'extremist' charges against ITUA. District court approves this anti-union and anti-labour attitude, as the February 3 decision clearly suggests.