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ENGIE renews agreement with three global unions

20 janvier, 2022The French multinational utilities giant ENGIE today renewed a global framework agreement (GFA) with the global union federations IndustriALL, BWI, and PSI, as well as with the representative French trade unions (CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT and FO).

Increasing harassment against union leaders and members in Belarus

20 janvier, 2022The Free Metalworkers' Union (SPM), affiliated to IndustriALL, reports increasing repression against SPM leaders and members during the last months of 2021. Union leaders and members have been fired and detained, some have been forced to flee the country to avoid prosecution.

SPECIAL REPORT: What will it take for the Hong Kong Convention to come into force?

18 janvier, 2022Shipbreaking has been called the most dangerous job in the world. In countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan, workers face dangerous and precarious working conditions, with very little training, safety equipment and access to medical services. For this, they receive poverty wages. 

GM workers in India win interim relief in retrenchment case

13 janvier, 2022After a seven-month legal battle, General Motors (GM) workers in India were granted interim relief by the Maharashtra Industrial Court on 5 January, when the court held that the retrenchment of workers was unfair labour practice.

Canada Goose workers vote to join a union

13 janvier, 202286 per cent of the workers making luxury jackets Canada Goose in Canada, have voted to join IndustriALL affiliate, Workers United Canada Council. This is the largest private sector victory for manufacturing workers in Canada in 30 years and is a culmination of a three-year effort by the workers, most of whom are immigrant women sewers.

Turkish metalworkers win after united fight

12 janvier, 2022After months of mobilization, action, and campaigning, three IndustriALL affiliates in the metal sector, Türk Metal, Birleşik Metal-İş and Özçelik-İş, have reached an agreement with employers’ organization MESS for a sector-wide collective bargaining agreement.

Unions in Sri Lanka sign landmark agreement in global apparel supply chain

11 janvier, 2022Three of IndustriALL’s affiliates in Sri Lanka, The Free Trade Zone & General Services Employees Union, Sri Lanka Nidahas Sewaka Sangamaya, and the National Union of Metal and Migrant workers in Sri Lanka, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to advance workers’ right to freedom of association and collective bargaining, together with the National Union of Seafarers and the Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF).

Kazakhstan must respect democracy and fundamental rights

11 janvier, 2022Nearly 8,000 people have been detained and more than 160 people have been killed following mass protests triggered by a doubling of gas prices in Kazakhstan. The violent response yet again stresses the need for democracy and recognition and respect for fundamental human and workers’ rights in the country.

New work roster a big win for Mongolian miners

11 janvier, 2022The adoption of a 14 working days and 14 days off roster is a victory for IndustriALL affiliate Federation of Energy, Geology and Mining Workers’ Trade Unions of Mongolia (MEGM). The revised labour code was passed by the Mongolian parliament on 2 July 2021, coming into force on 1 January this year.

Turkish metalworkers fight for a fair contract

6 janvier, 2022Covering 142,000 metalworkers in more than 300 companies, sector-wide collective bargaining kicked off in October 2021 between trade unions and the Turkish Metal Employers’ Association MESS. Since mid-December, metalworkers have carried out actions, urging employers to accept their demands against the backdrop of Turkey’s economic crisis.