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Showing 881-890 sur 5748 results

Greek unions demonstrate against Kavala Oil layoffs

3 mars, 2022On 26 February, three Greek unions organized a massive demonstration and march to the Greek Parliament in Syntagma Square to protest layoffs at Kavala Oil and other industrial sites.

Bangladesh’s government must implement roadmap for workers’ rights

1 mars, 2022IndustriALL is calling on the government of Bangladesh to make sincere efforts to implement the roadmap requested by the ILO to improve workers’ rights in the country, ahead of the governing body’s meeting in March.

Sri Lankan unions launch campaign for minimum wage rise

1 mars, 2022Twelve unions across Sri Lanka have launched a joint campaign to demand a rise of 10,000 rupees (US $49) in the monthly minimum wage of private sector employees, and to oppose the government’s decision to exclude private sector employees from a scheme that grants a monthly allowance of 5,000 rupees (US $25) to public sector employees and pensioners.

Three killed in Bangladesh factory fire

1 mars, 2022At least three people, including a 15-year old girl, were killed and several others injured, when an illegal shoe factory caught fire on 23 February.

Calling on Russia to stop immediately its aggression, invasion, and occupation of Ukraine

28 février, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union’s affiliates urge the government of the Russian Federation to stop immediately its aggression, invasion, and occupation of Ukraine.  The Russian Federation should stop violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Continued repression against independent unions in Belarus

28 février, 2022IndustriALL Global Union condemns in the strongest terms further attacks on union rights in Belarus, where the last couple of days have seen several independent union leaders detained.

A new model for the textile and garment industry

24 février, 2022A side event to the OECD Garment Forum featured an in-depth discussion on achieving a new supply chain industrial relations model for the textile and garment industry.

Haiti: one dead, five injured in protests

24 février, 2022A journalist was killed and five workers were injured in Port-au-Prince on Wednesday when police opened fire on peaceful demonstrators opposing the amount of the wage increase announced by the government following weeks of protest.

Zimbabwe energy workers in stayaway over poverty wages

24 février, 2022Zimbabwean energy workers have written to their employer, the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), stating that they are no longer able to report for work because of poverty wages.

Ukraine: dialogue and diplomacy are the only way forward

24 février, 2022While the tensions over Ukraine persist, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union’s affiliates call for the de-escalation of the conflict and a peaceful solution.