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Showing 801-810 sur 5745 results

Rescue efforts for miners trapped underground for 33 days in Burkina Faso continue

20 mai, 2022IndustriALL affiliate, Federation des Travailleurs de la Metallurgie, De L’Or, de la Filature et du Textile, fears for the worst as there has be no contact with the eight trapped mineworkers at Perkoa Zinc mine for 32 days. Contact with the miners was lost when the Zinc mine was flooded on 16 April after heavy rains, trapping the miners 500 meters underground.

Seven workers killed as skip falls 240m at gold mine in Zimbabwe

19 mai, 2022What could have been knocking off time at the end of a shift became the tragic end of the lives of seven gold mine workers who were killed when the cork skip used in hoisting them to the surface fell down a 240 meter deep shaft after the wire rope snapped.

13-month campaign leads to union win

19 mai, 2022Thirteen months of continuous campaigning has led to a union win for Triumph International Thailand Labour Union (TITLU). Now Brilliant Alliance Thai Global (BAT) will pay the money owed to the 1,388 illegally fired workers.

Chemicals unions from across Latin America come together to coordinate their work

19 mai, 2022IndustriALL's affiliate unions in the chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics sector met to plan their work for the year ahead and come up with coordinated regional policies and actions.

IndustriALL denounces further escalation of repression against Belarus unions

19 mai, 2022There seems to be no end to the repression of union leaders in Belarus, with new attacks against the independent and democratic union movement and civil society every day.

The future of mobility – options in the public space

19 mai, 2022Mobility concepts of the future in an urban environment will be different from what we know today. There will be more shared services, less individual mobility, digital connectivity between people, vehicles and infrastructure, as well as driverless vehicles.

Ground breaking legislation for garment workers in the US

18 mai, 2022Last week, the Fashioning Accountability and Building Real Institutional Change (FABRIC) Act was introduced to the US Senate. Once in place, the legislation will improve working conditions and reform the piece-rate pay scale for the country’s nearly 100,000 garment workers.

Deadly fire in electronics factory in India

18 mai, 2022A major fire in a CCTV and router manufacturing company in New Delhi on 13 May killed 27 people and injured 12. The fire is one of the deadliest fire disasters in recent years in India’s capital.

Union solidarity with Ukraine

17 mai, 2022As the war in Ukraine continues, trade unions from other countries are showing solidarity with workers and unions.

Global unions call for the immediate release of jailed Belarusian union activists

13 mai, 2022On 19 April 2022 more than twenty leaders and activists of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP) were detained by the State Security Committee. While some of them were released afterwards, at least ten are still in custody, including the BKDP President, ITUC Vice-President and ILO Governing Body member Aliaksandr Yarashuk, and BKDP Vice-President Siarhei Antusevich. They and their colleagues are prisoners of conscience.