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Showing 731-740 sur 5745 results

Update on Ukraine

28 juillet, 2022Nearly five months into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the situation continues to deteriorate. Leaders of IndustriALL affiliates talk about a shrinking space to operate in, as members are losing their jobs.

Young workers commit to active participation in transforming trade unions in Botswana

28 juillet, 2022The youth activist schools are spaces where young workers discuss how they can be catalysts in the transformation of trade unions. Recommendations from the schools have included strategies and tactics on how young workers can be change agents that shape and drive the future of unions.

Fighting the dismantlement of Belarus’ independent trade unions

22 juillet, 2022The regime in Belarus has dismantled the country's independent trade unions. IndustriALL and affiliates stand strong in defending them and democracy in the country.

Malaysia’s new bill risks crippling unions

22 juillet, 2022By linking trade union affairs to war crimes and terrorism, Malaysia’s labour law reform risks crippling trade unions in the future.

Sri Lankan unions demand constitutional reforms

21 juillet, 2022Workers in Sri Lanka are struggling to procure essential commodities and export production is down. IndustriALL affiliates in the country are demanding constitutional reforms for political stability and democracy.

IndustriALL celebrates ten years of youth work

21 juillet, 2022Young workers from Latin America, the Caribbean and Germany participated in a hybrid meeting in Buenos Aires to celebrate ten years of IndustriALL projects for and with young people.

Massive job losses reverse union gains in Ethiopia’s Hawassa Industrial Park

21 juillet, 2022After a long and difficult campaign to gain access to organize and recruit members in Ethiopia’s biggest industrial park, Hawassa, the Industrial Federation of Textile, Leather, and Garment Workers Trade Union (IFTLGWTU) says its efforts are unravelling from the huge job losses caused by factory closures.

Notorious labour law adopted in Ukraine

20 juillet, 2022Despite numerous public appeals from the international community and trade unions in the country, Ukraine’s parliament has adopted a modification of the labour legislation which means that companies with fewer than 250 employees will be able to directly negotiate pay structure, working hours and the conditions or terms of contract termination.

REPORT: From manufacturing to mobility - unions prepare for the mobility sector of the future

18 juillet, 2022Future mobility concepts in an urban environment will differ from what we know today. There will be more shared services, less individual mobility, digital connectivity between people, vehicles and infrastructure, as well as driverless vehicles.

IndustriALL condemns termination of Belarus’ independent unions

15 juillet, 2022In its continued attacks on the democratic labour movement, the regime in Belarus has taken the country’s independent trade unions to trial in order to dissolve them.