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Showing 701-710 sur 5745 results

Pakistani workers win wage raise after strike

31 août, 2022After striking for a month, power loom workers in Pakistan have secured a win by signing an agreement with the employer on wage increases, contributions to social security and improved health and safety.

Madagascar’s revised mining code must include workers’ and human rights

31 août, 2022Unions in Madagascar are concerned that the mining code – the country’s legal framework for mining development – is silent on workers’ and human rights. Revising the mining code provides the government with the opportunity to include the creation of decent jobs, protection of workers’ rights including for women miners, living wages, social dialogue, and social protection.

Asia Pacific cement unions focus on organizing and gender equality

31 août, 2022Organizing precarious workers into unions and realizing gender equality in the cement sector is the way forward, say IndustriALL affiliates in Asia Pacific.

South Asian shipbreaking workers prepare for recycling boom

25 août, 2022South Asian shipbreaking unions are preparing an organizing drive to take advantage of the expected recycling boom.

Workers in South Africa strike for living wages

25 août, 2022Tens of thousands of workers marched across the country’s cities and towns on 24 August for living wages and to protest deteriorating socio-economic conditions. Unions say the cost of living is high, electricity supply unreliable and expensive, while service delivery by national and local government is erratic.

Unions in India protest changes in labour laws

23 août, 2022Yesterday and today, unions in Visakhapatnam rallied against the country’s new labour laws. Union leaders submitted a memorandum to the district administration after the rally, raising concerns over the new labour codes which attempt to weaken workers’ rights while promoting companies’ interests.

ILO rules HICOM Malaysia violates freedom of association

23 août, 2022The ILO Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA) has concluded that the dismissal of five union leaders from Malaysia’s HICOM, supplier to Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Mitsubishi, was a violation of freedom of association.

Strengthening union power in Oman

19 août, 2022In July, IndustriALL, in cooperation with the General Federation of Oman Workers (GFOW), organized a workshop on communication and negotiation skills. 25 unionists from the executive bodies of the sectoral labour federations and members of the women's committees participated.

Conference discusses feminist ideas on building union power in Africa

18 août, 2022Why is it important for trade unions in Sub Saharan Africa to adopt feminist approaches to their campaigns and activities? A regional conference in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 17-18 August, discussed some possible strategies for gender integration and gender equity and equality in trade union activities using feminist ideas.

Miners at Glencore Peru demand better working conditions

17 août, 2022Over 1,000 workers at Glencore-controlled mining firm Los Quenuales are taking action to press the company to respect outsourcing limitations and collective bargaining rights, provide better food and to comply with occupational health and safety requirements.