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Showing 691-700 sur 5745 results

Health and safety in Armenia

13 septembre, 2022Although Armenia ratified ILO Convention 176 on safety and health in mines in 1998, there is still several pending issues. On 9-11 September, IndustriALL and the ILO held a health and safety workshop for the Trade Union of Miners, Metallurgists and Jewellers of Armenia, attended by representatives from the country’s labour inspectorate and directors from big mining and metallurgical companies.

Pakistan’s garment workers need safe factories

7 septembre, 202211 September marks the tenth anniversary of the fire at Ali Enterprises, a readymade garment-manufacturing factory, in Pakistan. More than 250 people were killed and over 50 were injured in one of the world’s worst industrial fires. Although workplace safety remains a major concern, significant steps towards safer factories for textile and garment workers have been taken at a global level in the last year.

One worker dies, four are injured after gas leak in India

7 septembre, 2022A contract worker died and four others sustained serious injuries after a gas leak at Aarey Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd in Maharashtra's Palghar district on 4 September.

United for a just future - time to pay up!

6 septembre, 2022The world is experiencing growing inequality. Unless we take action, we risk losing the gains we have made over the past century. IndustriALL and its affiliates are taking coordinated global action to demand a better future.

Eliminating gender-based violence is a priority for Asia Pacific youth

6 septembre, 2022Young unionists from Asia Pacific met on 2 September to discuss IndustriALL’s youth resolution. The young workers will prioritize eliminating gender-based violence and ensuring youth involvement in all negotiations concerning their future.

Strengthening workers’ power along the Pou Chen supply chain

6 septembre, 2022More than 25 trade unionists from Pou Chen production facilities in Cambodia, Indonesia and Vietnam met in Ho Chi Minh City on 30-31 August, committing to building solidarity and improving industrial relations.

Just Transition and oil and gas – what it means for workers

5 septembre, 2022At the Just Transition and the energy sector initiative’s fifth workshop on 31 August, trade unions discussed what they expect from a Just Transition in the oil and gas sector. Case studies from Europe and the Americas provided an overview of the massive challenges ahead. 

Cambodian police harass unionists campaigning for minimum wage

5 septembre, 2022IndustriALL affiliate Federation of Free Trade Union of Workers of the Kingdom of Cambodia (FTUWKC) has been subjected to police intimidation during the nationwide minimum wage negotiations for the garment and textile sector.

Unions campaign for decent work in artisanal and small-scale mining

1 septembre, 2022Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in Sub Saharan Africa is largely informal with over 13 million, mainly youth, working in the informal mines. In Zambia, ASM extracts cobalt, copper, gold, iron, manganese, nickel, lead, tin, zinc, nickel, and precious stones while in Ghana the main mineral is gold.

Government and employers must ensure safe mining in Pakistan

1 septembre, 2022Pakistan’s mining industry is riddled with workplace safety violations and occupational disease. Exposure to coal dust leads to various health issues, including serious lung and heart ailments and spinal injuries. Add to that the dangers of methane gas poisoning, suffocation, underground explosions, or mine walls collapsing, leading to numerous fatalities every year.