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Showing 5501-5510 sur 5680 results

Bridgestone workers in Bahia remain mobilized

24 août, 2012Bridgestone workers have ended one of the longest strikes in the history of Brazilian manufacturing industry but remain mobilised after mediation by the Ministry of Labour leads to further negotiations.

Indian trade unions urge Odisha Government to ban asbestos

23 août, 2012Taking forward the Ban Asbestos campaign in India, on 11 August 2012, representatives of Indian central trade unions, IndustriALL Global Union and Building Workers’ International submitted a memorandum to the state labour and health ministers urging the Government of Odisha to ban asbestos.

Join the online campaign for suspended Zimbabwe trade unionists

23 août, 2012Join the IndustriALL-Labourstart campaign now and send your protest message to the Chief Executive of Zimbabwe’s state owned energy utility, ZESA, as hearings are held for 135 workers suspended for threatening to strike.

Voestalpine workers in Russia resign over poor wages and conditions

23 août, 2012Voestalpine workers in Yarcevo, Smolensk area, Russia, took an extreme step in the ongoing industrial dispute: 12 out of 18 field engineers resigned collectively, while simultaneously putting forward a list of demands to the management. According to the workers, this is the only way to stop the persistent degradation of working conditions.

Attack on union at Russian auto supplier disrupts production at GM

23 août, 2012Vlankas, a company which supplies bumpers to GM in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, refuses to recognize the Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA) local. Several unionized workers were dismissed, causing production problems both at Vlankas and its customer, General Motors.

Long-standing social partnership at risk in Austria

23 août, 2012In the run-up to the bargaining round in the metal and mining industry, IndustriALL’s Austrian affiliate PRO-GE and the Non-Manual Workers’ Unions in the private sector GPA-DJP are calling on their members to mobilize and fight with all means for a joint collective agreement.

Thai Auto Growth offers opportunity and challenges for unions.

22 août, 2012Over 60 union leaders from The Confederation of Thai Electrical Appliances, Electronic, Automobile and Metalworkers (TEAM) and the Automobile Labor Congress of Thailand (ALCT) co-organized a seminar on 10 August titled “Growing Auto Industry; what are the impacts on workers?” in greater Bangkok. The unions hope with closer cooperation they can have a greater influence on the future shape of the industry.

Improving working conditions in Philippines EPZs

22 août, 2012IndustriALL Global Union and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) affiliates met with sportswear brands and suppliers in Cebu, the Philippines, on 17 August to discuss the barriers to workers’ rights in the Mactan Economic Zone, and explore possibilities for improving working conditions in the Zone.

IndustriALL strategy takes off in the Aerospace sector

22 août, 2012The cyclical nature of the world’s aerospace industry demands that IndustriALL continually strengthens its strategies for representing aerospace and related industry workers in the global economy.

Justice for Korean workers at Hyundai Kia Motors

22 août, 2012Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) stages a series of strikes demanding higher wages, regularization of precarious workers and the abolishment of night shift work, which is causing serious danger to workers’ health.