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Showing 5311-5320 sur 5680 results

Disastrous labour reform passed in Mexico

20 novembre, 2012The anti-worker labour legislation reform in Mexico was passed on 13 November under the neoliberal lie that greater flexibility for employers to sack workers will create jobs and improve the economy.

Eliminate violence against women

16 novembre, 201225 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. 2012 marks the 13th year that world civil society has commemorated this day, with the UN General Assembly designating the day at its 54th session.

Brazilian march in solidarity with European Workers

15 novembre, 2012As workers throughout Europe were striking against the neo-liberal austerity agenda the Gerdau Workers’ World Council was supporting them from Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Sanction of the Xstrata Glencore merger challenged

15 novembre, 2012The proposed merger between giants Glencore and Xstrata goes to a shareholder vote on 20 November, as processes continue assessing the monopolistic concerns the merger brings.

South African workers' protest violently put down at Xstrata

14 novembre, 2012In the third incident of violent police action at Xstrata’s South African Kroondal operations in a week, police fired on mineworkers during a protest on 13 November, arresting 37 including shop stewards.

CFMEU strikes at Rio Tinto mine

14 novembre, 2012Mining giant Rio Tinto is showing its anti-union character once again. In closing its Australian Blair Athol mine the company is paying lower redundancy packages to CFMEU union members than to other workers.

14 November - Day of Action and Solidarity against austerity

13 novembre, 2012Trade unions across Europe took to the streets yesterday for an angry day of action, 14 November, in a united front rejecting the antisocial austerity measures spreading throughout the continent.

IndustriALL seeks action on Government of Fiji’s rights abuses

13 novembre, 2012The Fijian military regime has been challenged by the international trade union movement to end its elimination of internationally recognized workers’ rights.

STOP Precarious Work mobilization, October 2012

13 novembre, 2012At the IndustriALL founding Congress in Copenhagen in June 2012, affiliates resolved to support a global campaign to STOP Precarious Work, including mobilizing their members around October 7, the World Day for Decent Work.

London rail workers pledge support to Kazakh oil workers

9 novembre, 2012London underground rail workers joined the international campaign in support of oil workers under state repression in Kazakhstan.