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Showing 5291-5300 sur 5745 results

Mobilizing for social justice

22 janvier, 2013The citizens of the world want affordable health care, pensions, education, childcare and security against unemployment. Unions have to be political actors and mobilize to fight for an economic and social model that puts people first.

Mexico Days of Action 18-24 February 2013

21 janvier, 2013The IndustriALL Global Union Executive Committee made the commitment to mobilize internationally for trade union rights in Mexico during the week 18-24 February 2013.

Numsa opposes proposed electricity tariff hikes

18 janvier, 2013Numsa has rejected Eskoms’ proposal to the South African energy regulator for a 16 per cent increase each year for the next five years, raising concerns that workers and the poor will ultimately pay the price.

IndustriALL outraged by savage union-busting in Turkey

17 janvier, 2013Korean-based stainless-steel manufacturer Daiyang SK Metal has employed every union-busting tactic since January 2010 against Birlesik Metal-Is. On 15 January the workers conducting a sit-in were violently attacked by police.

Unions prepare for Mexico Days of Action

17 janvier, 2013Preparations are continuing for actions around the world marking the 2013 Mexico Days of Action, 18-24 February.

Electrolux imprisons then sacks workers in Thailand

17 janvier, 2013Refusing to negotiate with workers’ representatives, Electrolux management in Thailand locked up over 100 workers for 8 hours, including a pregnant woman, then sacked 127 workers including the local union president of the Rayong plant.

5,000 Jakarta workers rally for wages

17 janvier, 2013Trade unions led 5,000 workers in a mass rally in Jakarta on 16 January denouncing the government’s decision to exempt over 900 companies from paying the increased minimum wages as agreed in November 2012.

Compensation for victims in Pakistan

17 janvier, 2013The German discount clothing chain KiK Textilen signed a compensation agreement with the Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research (PILER) to make a US$1 million payment to victims of the Ali Enterprises fire in Pakistan.

Pact on decent jobs signed in Tunisia

17 janvier, 2013Tunisian workers mark the second anniversary of the revolution that put an end to the regime of President Ben Ali with a benchmark agreement on the creation of decent jobs.

Turkish mining union labels fatal accident “murder”

17 janvier, 2013IndustriALL Global Union-affiliated Turkish mining trade union Genel Maden-Is has condemned the poor safety conditions at the Kozlu mine operated by a sub-contractor company where eight workers were killed on 7 January 2013.