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USW members strike at Continental Cement

27 février, 2023On 22 February about 100 members from the United Steelworkers (USW), an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, went on strike protesting unfair labour practices.

Court orders union’s participation in wage negotiation

24 février, 2023Calcutta High Court rules in favour of IndustriALL affiliate, Indian National Mineworkers’ Federation (INMF), for its participation in the coal industry wage negotiation process. 

Ukraine still suffering one year later

24 février, 2023On the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine,  IndustriALL Global Union, industriAll Europe and their affiliates call for peace, democracy and rebuilding of Ukraine. 

Affiliates in South Asia call for a united struggle

23 février, 2023IndustriALL Global Union’s general secretary, Atle Høie's, visit to South Asia comes at a time when the region is grappling with the rising cost of living and the erosion of workers’ rights. Anti-worker labour policies and governments’ unwillingness to engage with trade unions underlines the current struggle of IndustriALL affiliates in the region. 

AfCFTA International labour standards deficit must be addressed

23 février, 2023At the 13th ITUC Africa, New Year School in Lomé,Togo, 74 trade unionists from 26 African countries met from 21-24 February. Trade unions expressed the need for ILO international labour standards to be included in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to protect workers’ rights and interests.

The future starts today

22 février, 2023The first IndustriALL meeting of young white-collar workers was held online, over two half-days, in December 2022. Around 35 participants came from all around the globe and exchanged their different realities, needs and expectations in the world of work and in their unions.

Framework for a responsible business disengagement from Myanmar

22 février, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and a number of garment brands with operations in Myanmar have jointly developed a framework for a responsible exit from the country.

Aggressive anti-union tactics intensify at textile plant in Turkey

21 février, 2023After workers at Barutçu Tekstil joined their local union, they were dismissed. In response, the nine dismissed women started picketing in front of the factory. Over 100 days later, some of the dismissed workers and union officials got ammonia poisoning while demonstrating in front of the plant.

Unions take part in national strike against Peru’s government

21 février, 2023IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in Peru have taken part in a fresh national strike against Dina Boluarte’s government. They called for her and members of Congress to resign, and for elections to be called. 

Unions in Japan play key role in promoting due diligence

20 février, 2023IndustriALL Global Union together with, Japanese affiliate, UA ZENSEN, held a series of meetings with Japanese global brands and retailers from 13-17 February. The aim was to highlight the need for continued vigilance of human and worker rights in the global supply chain, and the importance of supply chain industrial relations.