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Showing 5141-5150 sur 5680 results

Egyptian security forces unleash violent attack on workers

21 février, 2013In the early hours of 17 February, Central Security Forces stormed workers conducting a sit-in at the Portland Cement Factory in Alexandria, injuring dozens of workers. 18 of the striking workers remain in detention.

19 miners died in an explosion in Russia

21 février, 201319 miners died and 3 more were injured in a methane explosion at Vorkutinskaya mine (Vorkuta, Russia) on 11 February. Representatives of the Russian Independent Coal Employees’ Union (Rosugleprof), an IndustriALL affiliate, were included in the commission to investigate the causes of the tragedy.

Trinidad & Tobago trade unionists meet Mexican ambassador

21 février, 2013IndustriALL's proud affiliate from Trinidad and Tobago, the Oilfields Workers' Trade Union (OWTU) stood in solidarity with Mexican workers during the global action.

Russian unions join global days of action through letters to the Mexican president

21 février, 2013See here the 18 February letter from IndustriALL-affiliated

Emcocables refuses to negotiate a collective agreement

21 février, 2013SINTRAEMCOCABLES, the union representing workers at the Colombian steel cables company, Emcocables S.A., is demanding a 5.75% pay rise. The company is offering 4.5%.

ITUC-TUCA protest at Mexican consulate in São Paulo

21 février, 2013On 20 February, national and international trade unions demonstrated together at the Mexican Consulate in São Paulo.

Meeting with Mexican ambassador in Bangkok

20 février, 2013On 20 February Thai unionists rallied outside the Mexican Embassy in Bangkok.

South Africans mark Mexico days of action

20 février, 2013See here the letter sent by IndustriALL-affiliated CEPPWAWU to the Me

Finnish Metalworkers write to Peña Nieto

20 février, 2013See here the l

Meaningful commitments at Geneva Mexican Embassy meeting

19 février, 2013International trade union leaders held constructive talks with senior Labour Ministry officials at the Mexican Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, on 19 February. The meeting achieved the opening of a new channel of dialogue with the international trade unions, dealing with labour issues.