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Showing 5081-5090 sur 5745 results

Make garment factories in Bangladesh safe

26 avril, 2013Nearly 5,000 workers protested in Dhaka on 26 April expressing outrage at the death to hundreds and injury to thousands of garment workers in the Rana Plaza building collapse. You can join the protest online here.

Rubber unions strengthen global networks

25 avril, 2013Meeting in Hungarian capital Budapest on 22-24 April 2013, the IndustriALL Global Union World Conference for the Rubber Industry’s more than one hundred participants from some twenty countries committed to reinforce trade union workers at the dominant multinational companies of the sector.

Indonesian textile workers reach agreement with Adidas

25 avril, 2013On 24 April 2013 Adidas and Indonesia Coordinating Committee of PT Kizone Workers and their union, DPC SPTSK-SPSI, announced an agreement potentially ending a 2 year long dispute.

Hundreds of Bangladeshi garment workers die

25 avril, 2013The worst ever industrial accident in Bangladesh has killed more than 200 garment workers with fears of a final death toll reaching 1,000 as hundreds remain injured and trapped in the debris.

IMF a threat to collective bargaining

25 avril, 2013The International Monetary Fund labour market remedies pose a real threat to collective bargaining systems. Austerity policies, now more than ever, are being challenged after pro-austerity data proves to be based on flimsy facts.

Rio Tinto anti-union bias confirmed at AGM

25 avril, 2013IndustriALL Global Union joined a diverse group of civil society activists, NGOs and community-based organizations in London to protest against Anglo American and Rio Tinto on the occasion of their Annual General Meetings on 18 and 19 April 2013 respectively.

Subcontracting in Chilean industry

24 avril, 201371 per cent of Codelco employees and 65 per cent of Anglo American employees are contract workers. In the chemical sector, 62 per cent of SQM workers are contract workers. This data, included in a new IndustriALL report on subcontracting in Chile, reflects the extent of subcontracting in Chilean industry

Bangladeshi garment workers crushed to death

24 avril, 2013In what is likely to be the worst ever industrial accident in Bangladesh more than 100 garment workers have died and hundreds more are injured. The tragedy occurred at 9am, 24 April, at the eight-story Rana Plaza building in Savar, 30 kilometres outside Dhaka.

Strong mobilization of trade unions in Brazil against outsourcing

24 avril, 2013IndustriALL affiliates are mobilizing against the adoption of a bill which advocates for a more flexible labour market against the rights of workers.

Call for the release of trade unionist Wonder Mkhonza charged with sedition in Swaziland

24 avril, 2013IndustriALL Global Union condemns the arrest of Comrade Wonder Mkhonza, Deputy General Secretary of the Swaziland Processing, Refining and Allied Workers Union.