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Showing 4951-4960 sur 5745 results

Iraqi unions join forces for trade union legislation

18 juillet, 2013Iraq still lacks legislation protecting workers' rights, guaranteeing freedom of association and governing industrial relations. In an effort to coordinate and consolidate forces, an IndustriALL Global Union National Council was established in Baghdad on July 10.

Worker dismissed by Gerdau-Diaco chains himself to factory gates in Colombia

17 juillet, 2013Gerdau-Diaco dismissed one of their employees, Luis Cruz, on 5 July. Cruz has chained himself to the factory gates at the Duitama plant in protest at the company’s action. He is legally protected against dismissal because of a workplace accident he suffered in 1994.

Support the hunger strike of Maruti Suzuki workers

15 juillet, 2013Workers at Maruti Suzuki are planning a hunger strike and a sit-in demonstration in Manesar, India, on 18 July. The aim is to free 147 jailed workers.

The triangular trap

14 juillet, 2013Unions take action against agency labour

Maruti Suzuki workers prepare hunger strike in India

12 juillet, 2013For the workers at the Maruti Suzuki plant in India, 18 July marks an unwanted anniversary filled with flagrant anti-union behavior from the police and authorities. Attempting to put end to the repression, a hunger strike is planned.

Tough negotiations for new collective bargaining agreement for German paper sector

12 juillet, 2013After several hard rounds of negotiations the IG BCE has reached a new two-year collective agreement for its members in the German paper sector.

DR workers face uphill battle to unionize

12 juillet, 2013Deciding to form a union at your workplace should not have to be a life-changing decision, but for workers at DMG International shoe company in the Dominican Republic that is just what it turned out to be.

IndustriALL Global Union readies to pull the trigger on Rio Tinto

11 juillet, 2013At the end of June thirty mining union delegates from across the world at Rio Tinto operations met in Johannesburg to map out a global campaign strategy, marking a significant milestone in the process towards the launch of a campaign against the corporation.

Belgium ends historic discrimination between white and blue-collar workers

11 juillet, 2013The Constitutional Court in Belgium has decreed that the status of blue and white-collar workers need to be harmonized, urging the government to eliminate the discrimination between the two types of workers.

Walmart/Gap Bangladesh safety plan: pale imitation of Accord

10 juillet, 2013IndustriALL and UNI, reacting to the announcement by Walmart and Gap today of another toothless corporate auditing programme for Bangladesh factory safety, stated that these companies are only repeating the mistakes of the past.