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Showing 4821-4830 sur 5748 results

IndustriALL women take action on 7 October

18 octobre, 2013The Women's Committee of IndustriALL Indonesian Council, took action on 7 October to mark the World Day for Decent Work

Peabody locks out mineworkers in midst negotiations

18 octobre, 2013Peabody Energy Australia has locked out its workers while in the middle of a new enterprise negotiation with the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, CFMEU.

Nigeria Actions

18 octobre, 2013In Nigeria, affiliated unions and civil society allies, took to the streets of Lagos to protest increasing casualisation of workers, outsourcing, contract staffing and anti-union behaviour by employers.

Bangladesh Accord appoints its leadership team

18 octobre, 2013The Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh today announced appointments to key roles that will allow the Accord to make significant steps and progress in its aims of delivering safer working environments for garment workers in Bangladesh.

Unions demand minimum wage in Indonesia

18 octobre, 2013On 17 Spetember members of the Confederation of Indonesian trade union congress alliance (KASBI) and IndustriALL's Glen Mpufane rally in Jakarta, urging the government to immediately implement appr

Youth Meeting in Brazil

18 octobre, 2013On 10-11 Septembers, a meeting was conducted for youth union affiliates in Brazil on union formation, a project supported by IndustriALL affiliates  in Finland and SASK.

Youth Meeting in Colombia

18 octobre, 2013Young Colombians participated very enthusiastically in a union training meeting, as part of one of the projects supported by IndustriALL,  IndustriALL affiliates in Finland and SASK.

Bangladesh safety accord welcomes 100 brand milestone

17 octobre, 2013More than 100 global brands have now signed the Bangladesh Accord on Fire and Building Safety, driven by IndustriALL and UNI in the aftermath of the Rana Plaza building collapse six months ago.

Oil refinery workers union busted in Belarus

17 octobre, 2013Trade union leaders had to announce a hunger strike to protest the union busting campaign started at “Mozyr Oil Refinery” against the local union organization of the IndustriALL affiliate Belarusian Independent Trade Union, BITU.

Unite and Ineos talks end in walk-out

17 octobre, 2013Talks between Ineos and Unite, Britain’s largest trade union and IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, have come to an abrupt end after company representatives walked out demanding an apology from the union.