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Showing 4761-4770 sur 5748 results

Kronos workers approve the new agreement

21 novembre, 2013The majority of 320 workers of Kronos Canada Inc. factory in Varennes, Quebec voted 70.8 percent in favour of the agreement of principle reached at negotiations on 19 November 2013.

IndustriALL marks one year since Tazreen fire

21 novembre, 2013As negotiations continue toward a compensation agreement, IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union are marking one-year since the factory fire that killed at least 112 workers on 24 November 2012.

Trade unions join walkout of Warsaw Climate Talks

21 novembre, 2013IndustriALL and the ITUC today join the walkout of labour, environmental, and development NGOs in protest of the lack of progress at COP-19. This is the first time such a broad coalition of non-governmental observer organizations have walked out of a COP meeting.

Pharmaceutical Unions Boost Networking

21 novembre, 2013Some 100 union representatives from 11 countries attending IndustriALL’s Global Pharmaceutical Unions’ Network Meeting on November 15-16, 2013 in Tokyo, Japan decided to boost union networking in pharmaceutical industry at sectoral and company level.

Dismissed Turkish Workers at Punto Deri Continue to Struggle

21 novembre, 201328 dismissed workers at Punto Deri, members of IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate Deri-Is, have been picketing for more than three months for their fundamental rights.

Shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions will focus on organizing Precarious Workers

20 novembre, 2013At IndustriALL Global Union’s Shipbuilding-shipbreaking Action group meeting on 12-14 November in Denmark, unions prioritized their activities on organizing and fighting precarious work and will start mapping Multinational Coorporation’s (MNC) in order to the possibilities of creating new trade union networks.

Egyptian Workers in MNCs Struggle for Rights and Justice

20 novembre, 2013Around 100 Egyptian workers attending IndustriALL Global Union’s Conference on "Trade Union Rights and Industrial Relations in Multinational Companies in Egypt" on October 24-25 in Cairo spoke up for their rights and showed determination for struggle.

President of the CUT in Caldas, Colombia, escapes attempt on his life

20 novembre, 2013IndustriALL Global Union condemns the attack on Óscar Arturo Orozco, president of the Caldas branch of the union central CUT and the electrical workers’ union SINTRAELECOL and calls on its affiliates to take solidarity action.

Scab-made medical gloves sicken Ansell workers in Sri Lanka

19 novembre, 2013Australian-based manufacturer of medical gloves and condoms, Ansell continues to attack its workers. Suspending striking trade union members in Sri Lanka and replacing them with contracted scabs puts a bad stain on Ansell’s products that are exported throughout the world.

Support action at the ILO to defend the right to strike

18 novembre, 2013Join IndustriALL Global Union in the support for the International Trade Union Confederation's (ITUC) action to defend the right to strike!