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Showing 471-480 sur 5745 results

Building strong inclusive unions in South Asia

29 avril, 2023From 27-29 April participants from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India came together to plan, in very practical terms, how to strengthen their unions and make them more inclusive for women and young workers.

Health and safety workshops in Alang

28 avril, 2023ASSRGWA, affiliated to IndustriALL through SMEFI, in collaboration with ILO, is organizing a series of workshops on occupational health and safety and just transition in Alang’s ship recycling and downstream industry in India.

Safety for all – the need for gender-responsive OHS

28 avril, 2023Gender based division of labour, sexual biological differences, employment patterns, social roles and social structures mean that women and men are exposed to different risks at work, and also exposed in different ways. These differences need to be identified and acknowledged, OHS policies should be gender-responsive to ensure workplaces that are safe for all workers.

Strategizing on advancing union power of white-collar workers in Ghana

28 avril, 2023Eighteen white collar workers from Ghanaian affiliates organising in the energy, mining, chemical, oil and gas, and public utilities, met in Accra on 26 April to discuss how they can develop organizing strategies and build union power in their sectors.

28 April - world day for safety and health at work

28 avril, 2023Health and safety is a fundamental principle and right at work. IndustriALL Global Union is campaigning for the ratification of the Hong Kong Convention, amendments to the Rotterdam Convention and the ratification of ILO Convention 176.

Amcor workers unite to demand international dialogue

28 avril, 2023In a powerful global action, Amcor workers in 17 countries coordinated this month to together demand that the company engages with the Amcor global trade union alliance.

Due diligence legislation must be strong to protect workers - the EU can help make this happen

27 avril, 2023Meeting with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), trade union leaders from the textile and garment sector in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar and Tunisia called for mandatory and strong due diligence legislation and Europe’s support to prevent a tragedy like the Rana Plaza disaster from ever happening again. 

Oil and gas workers in Iran on strike

26 avril, 2023Contract workers at the oil and gas fields in Southern Iran are striking for increased wages and better working conditions.

Fighting for decent work in the global minerals industry

26 avril, 2023Climate change calls for a historic transition to a low-carbon economy. Phasing out fossil fuels in favour of green energy is a major feature of that climate action, estimated to require ten times more electric vehicles and battery storage. This in turn depends on a consistent supply of minerals including cobalt, lithium, nickel and graphite, as the component elements of digital devices, screens and systems.  

KMWU announce national strikes against anti-labour policies

21 avril, 2023On 19 April 2023, the Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) staged a mass protest and announced two nation-wide strikes on 31 May and in July. Korean metal unions argue that the policies will weaken workers' rights and make it harder to organize and negotiate with employers.