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Showing 4621-4630 sur 5749 results

Unions mark International Women’s Day

13 mars, 2014Unions are instrumental in promoting the rights of women in the workplace by fighting for gender equality and equal pay. In recognition of International Women’s Day on Saturday 8 March, IndustriALL affiliates around the world organized many different events to celebrate the occasion.

Protesting workers have had enough of bad management

13 mars, 2014For the last 15 years, management at PH Cooling Towers in Kolkata, India, has denied workers wage revision, resulting in distress and hardship for the workers and their families. Management’s response to the union’s demand for a wage revision was the dismissal of three workers. When the union organised a one-day token strike at Paharpur Cooling Towers on 26 February, management employed local goons and attacked three union activists.

Strikers in Kyrgyzstan could face 15 years in prison

13 mars, 2014Newly submitted amendments to the criminal code would mean that directors and staff of strategically important enterprises could be imprisoned for up to 15 years for failure or stoppage of production.

Challenges of unity building in the Philippines

13 mars, 2014When ITGLWF, ICEM and IMF merged to become IndustriALL Global Union, Philippine affiliates to the former GUFs were brought together under the same roof. But with as many as 17 IndustriALL affiliates covering different industries in the Philippines, building a culture of unity is a challenge.

Interim tribunal rules that Mark Lyon is ‘likely’ to get job back at Ineos

12 mars, 2014An interim tribunal said sacked Ineos worker and trade unionist Mark Lyon is ‘likely’ to get his job back when the case reaches the full hearing later on in the year. Petrochemical giant Ineos was also ordered to pay Mark Lyon full wages since February until the hearing.

First round of independent and transparent factory inspection reports completed in Bangladesh

10 mars, 2014The Bangladesh Accord has published the first reports detailing the results of factory inspections in Bangladesh. The reports set out details of the current building safety standards in the first garment factories to be inspected, and identify necessary steps required to improve these standards.

Cambodia: Union activists defy government ban on public forum

10 mars, 2014Hundreds of union activists in Cambodia defied a government ban on a public forum for garment workers, timed to coincide with International Women’s Day on Saturday 8 March.

FUP and Petrobras launch Workers’ Network

10 mars, 2014From 25 to 27 February 2014 the Brazilian Oil Workers’ Union FUP hosted a meeting to launch the workers’ network of Petrobras. A global agreement was signed with Petrobras in 2011, and now it is up to the network to make a living agreement.

¡Saludamos a la mujer trabajadora y sindicalista!

10 mars, 2014Las afiliadas de toda América Latina y el Caribe conmemoraron con distintas actividades el 8 de marzo Día Internacional de la Mujer. La Oficina Regional de IndustriALL Global Union, saluda a todas las mujeres que luchan por la defensa y el respeto de sus derechos humanos y laborales, especialmente en la denuncia y fortalecimiento de la lucha por la igualdad de género.

Rana Plaza brands must pay compensation by 9am on 24 April

7 mars, 2014It is crunch time now for the Rana Plaza compensation fund. The one-year anniversary of the mass industrial homicide is fast approaching. IndustriALL, UNI, Clean Clothes Campaign and LabourStart have launched an online petition calling on brands to pay now.