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Showing 4581-4590 sur 5749 results

Brazilian workers call for more rights and greater equality

14 avril, 201440,000 workers from different sectors of the economy took to the streets of Sao Paulo on 9 April to demonstrate and press the government and the national congress to negotiate the labour movement’s agenda. Unions affiliated to different trade union centrals jointly organised the march.

Energy Unions lay out roadmap “Towards Sustainable, Social and Safe Energy Policies”

12 avril, 2014Attending IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference for the Energy Industries, some 250 union leaders from 45 countries adopted an ambitious and vibrant plan of action for the next four years reinforcing unity and fighting back against similar anti-worker tactics throughout the world.

Voices of resistance to Rio Tinto converge in London

11 avril, 2014Labour and civil society must work together to force Rio Tinto to live by its claim to be a socially responsible company.

Hard won victory for workers at Vidriera de San Potosí in Mexico

10 avril, 2014Thirty-three workers have won an important victory in their fight for reinstatement at Vidriera de San Luis Potosí. The company, which dismissed hundreds of workers in 2008 for forming an independent trade union, makes bottles for the export beer brand Corona Extra and is a subsidiary of Grupo Modelo-AB InBev.

International campaign helps to free two more Kazakh oil workers

10 avril, 2014Under the pressure of the international community two out of seven imprisoned workers were released. Three, including the only woman, Roza Tuletaeva, were alleviated of their conditions of imprisonment. They were transferred to the colony-settlement. However two people, Shabdan Utkilov and Kanat Zhusipbaev so far remain in jail.

Shipbreaking kills four workers in Bangladesh

10 avril, 2014An exploding gas cylinder at the Arafin Enterprise shipbreaking yard in Sitakunda, Bangladesh, resulted in the death of four workers after inhaling carbon dioxide on 3 April. Another three workers are hospitalized with injuries.

Building unity and power in Thailand

10 avril, 2014For more than a month, 600 striking Michelin workers have been camping in front of the Ministry of Labour in Bangkok. On 9 April, IndustriALL Global Union together with all affiliates in the newly formed Confederation of IndustriALL Labour of Thailand met the workers to show global support for their struggle.

Clothing brands fail Rana Plaza survivors

9 avril, 2014Two weeks before the first anniversary of the devastating building collapse, clothing brands contributions to Donor Trust Fund remain shockingly low.

Korean union leader Kim Jungwoo is free

7 avril, 2014Thanks to the international campaign launched by Amnesty International and supported by Global Unions including ITUC and IndustriALL the Korean trade union leader and human rights defender Kim Jungwoo was released from jail on 1 April 2014. Other 14 leaders condemned in the same case remain imprisoned.

Unite workers at Babcock approve new agreement

4 avril, 2014The labour dispute between IndustriALL UK affiliate Unite members at Faslane and Coulport royal navy facilities and their employer Babcock has successfully finished after three weeks of industrial action.