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In memoriam of Ichiro Seto

5 juin, 2014Ichiro Seto, a pioneer who opened gate for the Japanese metalworkers to join international labour movement, has died at the age of 86.

IndustriALL forms global communicators’ network

5 juin, 2014Communicators from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in over 30 countries gathered in Italy this week to exchange ideas and determine how to better work and campaign together to improve workers' rights.

Hugo Gonzalez Chirico, Paraguayan trade unionist on hunger strike

5 juin, 2014In a weak voice, after suffering periods of sickness and nausea, Hugo Gonzales Chirico, union leader at ACEPAR, explained his determination to continue the hunger strike he began on 22 May, in defence of workers’ rights. He condemned Paraguay’s political class in power which, he said is complicit with the pseudo-employers who ride roughshod over human and labour rights.

Stop regression to Korea's authoritarian past!

4 juin, 2014IndustriALL and its afffiliate Korean Metal Workers' Union calls on South Korean President Park Geun-hye to take immediate measures to implement labour supervisory mechanisms to stop Samsung labour repression and ensure it collectively bargains with the KMWU local to conclude a living wage and collective agreement.

Global unions welcome release of Cambodian protestors

2 juin, 2014Global unions have welcomed the release of 23 Cambodian wage protestors arrested following demonstrations in January but remain concerned at the severity of the court verdict and the lack of a fair trial.

IndustriALL joins calls for urgent support to flood-hit Balkans

29 mai, 2014The water receded however resulting from floods danger of landslides is high. Upon discussion with the affiliates in the affected areas IndustriALL calls on for an urgent support. Below are the details for financial donations.

Campaign for mine safety in Turkey targets precarious work

29 mai, 2014Turkish unions have been vociferous in their campaign against illegal and irresponsible outsourcing and subcontracting in the country on the occasion of the Soma industrial homicide.

International solidarity helps FIRST Union win at Toll New Zealand

29 mai, 2014IndustriALL Global Union’s New Zealand affiliate FIRST Union members have won a new collective agreement with significant pay increase at BP contractor Toll.

IndustriALL publishes new issue of “Global Worker”

29 mai, 2014In this issue of “Global Worker” IndustriALL explains how networks in the auto industries and the global framework agreement with garment giant Inditex are helping to defend union rights of millions of workers. Subscribe to receive your hard copies of “Global Worker” or read it online.

IndustriALL Global Union family coming together

28 mai, 2014The four regional conferences of IndustriALL Global Union confirmed what I was hoping. Our new global union family is coming together, pledging to fight for workers’ rights and living wages everywhere.