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Let’s talk about Holcim

6 novembre, 2014Watch this IndustriALL video about the violations committed in India by the world’s largest cement producer, Holcim. 

Deva Holdings must stop attacking its workers in Turkey

6 novembre, 2014IndustriALL Global Union is campaigning against the third largest pharmaceutical company in Turkey, Deva Holdings. The multinational company is guilty of union busting the IndustriALL affiliate Petrol-Is.

Desperate workers announce hunger strike in Belarus

6 novembre, 2014On 5 November four fired workers of Bobruisk Factory of Tractor Parts and Units (BZTDiA) announced a two-day hunger strike in their desperate bid to find justice, one week after their arbitrary dismissal.

Time to even it up!

4 novembre, 2014In January 2014, an Oxfam report put the spotlight on the staggering inequality of wealth – the richest 85 people in the world possess the same amount of wealth as the world’s poorest 50 per cent.

Cementing union power at Dow Chemical

4 novembre, 2014American and European trade unions shared their common concerns at the Dow North American Labor Council (DNALC) Meeting in Pennsylvania, USA on 14 October.

Facing the challenges to sustainable industrial policy

4 novembre, 2014Since the Arab Spring in 2010, trade unions in Tunisia have worked with the government and political parties to maintain stabililty and to avoid the violence experienced in neighboring countries. Yet unions have not played a strong role in policy-making, labour legislation is not enforced and it does not serve the workers' interests. 

Building women’s power in the Philippines

4 novembre, 2014The newly formed women’s committee of IndustriALL Global Union Philippine affiliates, the Women’s Unity Group has declared a proactive role and participation in policy and union decision-making structures at the global, regional, and at the national and workplace level.

BHP Billiton and Glencore Xstrata workers in Peru prepare for strike

4 novembre, 2014Union members at the Antamina mine in Peru have decided to start an indefinite strike on 10 November in support of demands for improvements in working conditions and a greater share of company profits. The union is affiliated to the National Miners’ Federation (FNTMMSRP).

Scabs cause suspected chemical leak while skilled steelworkers still locked out

4 novembre, 2014The Honeywell management in Metropolis, Illinois is risking the safety of the local community to attack its employees’ union rights. Rejecting good faith bargaining with USW Local 7-669, management instead has locked out 150 USW members for the last three months.

This is what exploitation looks like

3 novembre, 2014As the exploitation of garment workers in Mauritius comes under fresh scrutiny in a British newspaper, the reality is in fact worse than reported says IndustriALL Global Union.