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Showing 4141-4150 sur 5751 results

Miners protest against destruction of coal mining in Ukraine

29 janvier, 20151,500 coal miners from IndustriALL Global Union affiliates across the Ukraine launched a protest action picketing the Cabinet of Ministers building today (28 January) in the capital Kiev.

Citizens’ initiative to end zero-hours contracts in Finland

29 janvier, 2015Zero-hours contracts should be outlawed, according to a citizens’ initiative aimed at the Finnish parliament. If the initiative succeeds in collecting 50,000 signatures, the Finnish Parliament will be forced to debate on the matter.

Philippine unions unite for year ahead

27 janvier, 2015IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in the Philippines committed to building unity and sustainable trade unions during an annual evaluation and planning meeting this month. 

Mexican authorities bully Bata workers

26 janvier, 2015In Mexico, a union leader was taken into custody last week and a further eight workers threatened with detention in an attempt by authorities to end workers' two-and-a-half year struggle to stop footwear giant Bata outsourcing to home workers.

Unions mobilize globally for workers’ rights at Holcim Lafarge

26 janvier, 2015Last week, on 15 January Lafarge and Holcim workers and their supporters in 30 countries organized a series of actions as part of a global campaign launched by IndustriALL Global Union, Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) and European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW). 

NUM strike upholds rights at Northam Platinum

22 janvier, 2015A 6-day strike by 5,000 members of South Africa’s National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) at Northam Platinum ended on 20 January after workers’ accepted a draft memorandum of understanding developed with management.  

Why won’t Roche stop the abuse of workers making their product?

22 janvier, 2015“Let me tell you four things: Do not record this. There will never be a union in this workplace. Leave the union now and get a 30 per cent pay rise. Stay in the union and get sacked.” This was the announcement made by Deva Holdings management to workers after the Turkish Labour Ministry ordered the company to recognize the workers’ trade union.

IndustriALL signs global union agreement with Total

22 janvier, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has today signed a landmark agreement with Total, the French oil and gas giant, guaranteeing employee rights across the company’s international operations.

Framework agreements signed by Polish miners and government

21 janvier, 2015January has seen 2,000 miners in Poland protesting against government plans to close a number of mines in the country. On 17 January, a framework agreement was reached between the trade unions and the government, putting an end to the protests.  

Turkey: Remarkable achievement for precarious textile workers

21 janvier, 2015IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate DISK-Tekstil has achieved an unprecedented step forward at Greif Enterprises, an American packaging company, by making more than 1,200 contract workers permanent through an agreement between the union and the company.