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Indian government concedes to coal strikers

8 janvier, 2015Over half a million coalminers in India have ended a planned five-day strike after two days as the government gave assurances not to privatize Coal India Ltd (CIL). IndustriALL Global Union coal mining affiliates led the massive strike which ended on 7 January. 

High time for Holcim and Lafarge to respect workers’ rights

8 janvier, 2015In 2014 the top two cement producers in the world, Holcim and Lafarge, announced their merger to be completed by mid-2015. The new company would employ some 130,000 workers and have a turnover of Euro 35 billion.

Rio Tinto far from ethical

8 janvier, 2015As the debate on whether to reopen the controversial Panguna copper mine in Papua New Guinea intensifies, local communities must be aware that mining operator Rio Tinto’s bad behaviour is not a thing of the past. 

Historic union victory in Turkish tyre industry

8 janvier, 2015After a long struggle, IndustriALL Global Union Turkish affiliate Lastik-Is, representing tyre workers in the country, has persuaded two multinational tyre manufacturers to end out-sourcing of staff and put a total of 1,200 contracted workers on the payroll. 

IndustriALL in solidarity with Charlie Hebdo

8 janvier, 2015IndustriALL Global Union wholeheartedly condemns the horrific attack at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris, which killed 12 innocent people. We mourn for the victims and convey our sincere condolences to their families.

Cambodia – one year on violence continues

6 janvier, 2015A year after five people were shot dead by police and 40 more were severely injured during wage protests in Phnom Penh on 3 January 2014, unionists in Cambodia are still being subjected to violence.   

Half a million Indian coalminers launch strike

6 janvier, 2015IndustriALL Global Union’s mining affiliates in India are leading a five-day nationwide strike that has shut down the country’s coal industry. Beginning 6 January, the strike is in rejection of government plans to privatize state-owned Coal India Ltd. (CIL) which produces almost all of India’s coal.

AMWU fights to keep Australian shipbuilding jobs

23 décembre, 2014Australian shipbuilding workers have stepped up protests against the national government over the future of navy shipbuilding, threatening thousands of jobs in 2015.

2014: what a year it has been

22 décembre, 20142014 is approaching its end and what a year it has been. IndustriALL affiliates around the world have organized and campaigned for trade union rights and will continue on into 2015.

Malaysian and Indonesian unions continue their fight to stop precarious work

22 décembre, 2014Last week, during national unity meetings in Indonesia and Malaysia, IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from both countries took stock of their action against precarious work. Each victory gained by unions continues to be challenged by employers.