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Showing 41-50 sur 5691 results

Excessive violence against labour protestors in Iraq

5 juin, 2024On 2 June 2024, Iraqi security forces escalated their violence against contract workers at the South Refineries Company, who were peacefully protesting for permanent contracts. The brutality was described as "deadly" by Iraqi unions.

The fight for jailed Belarusian trade unionists continues

5 juin, 2024Yesterday global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 112th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva gathered at the Broken Chair to call for the immediate release of imprisoned Belarusian trade unionists and an end to the repression of workers’ rights.

Renault workers in Brazil on strike for more than 25 days

4 juin, 2024Workers at the Renault Horse factory in São José dos Pinhais have been striking for improved health and safety conditions since 7 May, calling on the employer to return to the negotiating table.

National action plans in Africa must be inclusive and participatory

31 mai, 2024Developing National Action Plans (NAPs) on business and human rights is a critical issue in Africa, necessitating inclusive and participatory approaches to ensure the protection and promotion of human rights across various sectors.

IndustriALL executive committee calls for the continued fight for workers’ rights

30 mai, 2024Threats to freedom of association, the right to strike, ongoing wars and organizing were some of the issues on the agenda at IndustriALL’s executive committee meeting in Geneva on 23-24 May. 

Global union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people

30 mai, 2024This week leaders of eight Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) travelled to Ramallah to convey their solidarity to unions in the West Bank and Gaza. These organisations represent almost every sector of the global economy and have members in more than 150 countries representing over 200 million workers. Working with Palestinian affiliates and others, the GUFs, all members of the Council of Global Unions (CGU), pledged to intensify efforts to help local trade unions navigate these difficult times for workers and fulfil their role as key drivers of change in Palestine.

Understanding living wages

29 mai, 2024On 7-8 May, IndustriALL hosted a training workshop in Tunis, focusing on living wages and collective bargaining for unions representing Swedish companies in Tunisia's textile and garment sector. This initiative, conducted in collaboration with the Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir (FGTHCC-UGTT), brought together approximately 20 unionists from companies like Autoliv, Sancella, and Alva.

Finnish government restricts right to strike

29 mai, 2024In violation of international labour standards, the Finnish parliament has approved new laws that effectively limits the right to strike in the country. Political strikes are now severely restricted, as is the right to sympathy strikes, a measure often used in the Nordic countries, like in the Tesla strike in Sweden.

Cambodian and Philippine youth fight against precarious work

29 mai, 2024With widespread and increasing use of contract work, young unionists in Cambodia and the Philippines are determined to fight the trend.

Georgia’s new law is a setback for democratic values

28 mai, 2024Although Georgian President Salomé Zourabisjvili vetoed a new controversial law limiting the democratic space in the country, the parliament has now pushed it through, triggering wide protests.