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Showing 3901-3910 sur 5752 results

Contract labour - a threat to Indian Society

30 juin, 2015There were shocking revelations about the situation for the many temporary contract workers in the Indian State of Maharashtra at an IndustriALL Global Union workshop held in the city of Pune this month. 

Women’s dire working conditions brought to light at IndustriALL ICT conference

30 juin, 2015At IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference of the ICT, Electrical and Electronics Sectors held in June 2015, women’s working conditions were highlighted among other important subjects.

Textile and garment industry director needed at IndustriALL

30 juin, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is looking for a Director to cover the textile, garment, shoe and leather industry. ​​​

ILO is back to work

30 juin, 2015After three years of employers blocking work on the application of ILO norms, this year’s International Labour Conference reaches a series of important conclusions on Mexico, Bangladesh, Swaziland and social protection.

East African unions join forces to tackle common issues

29 juin, 2015East African unions have joined together to build stronger trade unions, fight against precarious work and advocate for better occupational health and safety in the region. On 5 June, the IndustriALL East Africa union building project, funded by Danish central organization LO-FTF, was launched in Tanzania.

Goodyear treads on UK workers with plant closure

25 juin, 2015US-based global tyre-maker Goodyear has announced plans to close its only UK factory in Wolverhampton, with all 330 workers likely to lose their jobs.

Unions target Switzerland over Glencore

25 juin, 2015A group of IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from fourteen countries is appealing to Swiss citizens to hold mining multinational Glencore accountable for violations against workers at its operations around the world.

FSPMI reaches agreement with Philips in Indonesia

25 juin, 2015600 workers striking at Philips, Indonesia, will go back to work after an agreement was reached with local management on 19 June.

Sector-wide collective agreements to counter workers’ problems in the chemical industry

25 juin, 2015Following industry level bargaining in Germany’s chemical industry earlier this year, IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Belgium and Spain have concluded collective bargaining agreements for the chemical sector with important achievements.

Fighting outsourcing law in Brazil

25 juin, 2015A delegation of Brazilian trade unions and labour representatives met at the International Labour Conference (ILC) to discuss a proposed law which will allow private employers to use outsourcing indiscriminately.