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Showing 3831-3840 sur 5752 results

Thousands of workers rally for new wage in Indonesia

3 septembre, 2015Around 35,000 workers took to the streets of Jakarta on 1 September to demand a new minimum wage for 2016 and improved labour laws. Indonesia’s main trade union centres, KSPI, KSPSI, and KSBSI are asking that the government increase their efforts to protect the interests of the people.

Strike victory at Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz - 1,550 jobs saved

3 septembre, 2015Thanks to the strikes organized by Volkswagen and Mercedes Benz workers in Brazil and to national and international solidarity, the two companies have agreed to reinstate dismissed workers. When workers unite and fight for their rights, they can achieve their goals.

Georgian workers demand justice

2 septembre, 2015After a destructive neo-liberal period in the 2000s, the new Georgian government has introduced some improvements on workers’ rights, but there is still a long road ahead. IndustriALL’s leadership recently visited the country to support the active campaigns of its three affiliates and the Georgian Trade Union Confederation (GTUC) on organizing, collective bargaining and health and safety.

Kyrgyzstan: Unions defended Labour Code at the first stage

1 septembre, 2015In Kyrgyzstan a tripartite working group for the amendments to the Labour Code has agreed on the final text of the bill, which takes workers’ demands and the trade unions’ proposals into consideration.

Greece needs investment and respect of social rights

31 août, 2015Investment, innovation and respect of social rights are key factors for a successful recovery of growth and employment in Greece; not destruction of social protection and labour laws. IndustriALL Global and Europe declare their continued solidarity with Greek workers and unions during a solidarity mission to Athens.

Sherritt – show us the evidence for lay-offs

27 août, 2015Two months after 900 mine workers at Sherritt’s multibillion-dollar nickel operation in Madagascar were laid off, the company has refused to provide evidence that the retrenchments were financially necessary.

Akzo Nobel must end flagrant violations of trade union rights at South Korea plant

27 août, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Korea Chemical & Textile Workers’ Federation (KCTF), is fighting back against management at an Akzo Nobel plant in South Korea as labour relations are steadily worsening, and have even resulted in violence against workers. IndustriALL is calling on the Dutch chemical giant to intervene to stop the blatant violations of trade union rights.

IndustriALL signs an open letter to Samsung

26 août, 2015On behalf of a newly formed global justice and human rights network, leaders from a wide range of civil society organizations from in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America, have released an open letter to Kwon oh hyun, CEO of Samsung Electronics. The key demand is that the South Korean technology giant adopts the recent recommendations of a prestigious Mediation Committee.

Determined struggle brings Iraqi workers new labour law

26 août, 2015A ten-year national and international campaign has resulted in the enactment of a new labour code in Iraq.

We need more women leaders!

25 août, 2015Women and men together take better decisions and organize more workers than men alone. That is why we need more women in the leadership of trade unions at the local, national and global level.