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7 octobre, 2015Garment union and IndustriALL affiliate FNTTP took action on 7 October. 


7 octobre, 2015Workers demand decent work!


7 octobre, 2015On 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL affiliate Trade Union of Civil Engineering, Industry and Planning of Republic of Macedonia (SGIP) conducted activities as part of the "STOP Precarious Work" campaign.


7 octobre, 2015IndustriALL Bangladesh Council organized a human chain in Dhaka with more than 200 people protesting against precarious work.

On 7 October Rio Tinto workers everywhere are demanding decent work

7 octobre, 2015Marking World Day for Decent Work, 7 October, employees of the mining and metals giant Rio Tinto are taking concerted action to call on their employer to Stop Precarious Work.


7 octobre, 2015On the occasion of the World Day of Decent Work the IndustriALL Japanese affiliates organized a number of actions on 7 October.

Kazakh and Ukrainian unions to be part of the ArcelorMittal European Works Council

7 octobre, 2015On 1-2 October, a meeting of the ArcelorMittal trade unions from Kazakhstan and Ukraine took place in  Temirtau,  Kazakhstan.  Jean Luc Ruffin,  the ArcelorMittal  European Works  Council Secretary, attended the meeting.  Among other issues  the unions spoke about their intention to become part of the ArcelorMittal European Works Council.

IndustriALL files ILO complaint against Thai Government

7 octobre, 2015Today, on the World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL Global Union has filed a complaint with the International Labour Organization (ILO) against the Royal Thai Government for serous violations of trade union rights. 

Getting ready for 7 October

2 octobre, 2015With 7 October less than one week away, IndustriALL affiliates are preparing a range of actions to bring visibility to their fight against precarious work.

India – violence against peaceful demonstration at Maruti Suzuki plant gates

1 octobre, 2015A new wage agreement covering only permanent employees has been reached at Maruti Suzuki plants in India. Having been left out of the agreement, temporary workers raised their voices at the gates at the Manesar plant only to see a violent end to their peaceful demonstration.