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Showing 3711-3720 sur 5752 results

IndustriALL condemns crackdown on Korean unions

23 novembre, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has written to the President of Korea to condemn numerous police raids on trade union offices at the weekend. 

Nigerian unions mobilize for Africa Industrialization Day

23 novembre, 2015Eradicating smuggling and meeting the energy needs of local industry were pinpointed by Nigerian affiliates as most urgent actions needed from government in order to drive industrialization, create jobs and combat poverty in Nigeria.

Coalminers demand stronger attention to their future

20 novembre, 201540 delegates from Australia, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Turkey, Pakistan and South Africa gathered at the headquarters of the IndustriALL German affiliate IG BCE in Hannover, Germany at the Global coal mining conference to discuss union responses to the challenges faced by workers and their unions in coal mining industry.

Three years after Tazreen fire, brands must pay compensation

19 novembre, 2015On the third anniversary of the Tazreen factory fire in Bangladesh, IndustriALL Global Union is calling on international brands that sourced from the garment factory to pay into the fund for victims. 

L20 highlights importance of concrete action in fighting inequality

19 novembre, 2015Just before the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey, trade union leaders from around the world came together, as L20, to discuss a range of topics, including dialogue with business and civil society, the global refugee crisis, inequality and income share, and quality jobs.

Workers in Pakistan’s glass bangle industry face starvation

19 novembre, 2015More than one million workers employed in the glass bangle industry in Hyderabad, Pakistan, are facing starvation due to a broken supply of gas and electricity. Workers have called on the government to resolve the issue, which is putting livelihoods at risk.

Workers’ rights must be respected in HeidelbergCement’s takeover of Italcementi

18 novembre, 2015IndustriALL Global Union joins the European Works Councils (EWCs) of HeidelbergCement and Italcementi to demand that the companies’ employees are involved and consulted throughout the acquisition process.

Korean unionists alert world to deaths at Hyundai shipyards

18 novembre, 2015Trade unionists from Korea travelled 9,000 kilometres to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights this week. They want to tell the world about the workers dying in the yards of the planet’s biggest shipbuilder, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). 

IndustriALL meets Bangladeshi government and lobbies for ratification of the Hong Kong Convention

17 novembre, 2015An IndustriALL delegation met the Bangladeshi Ministry of Industries on 5 November 2015 to lobby for ratification of the convention.

Strike win just first step for Rio Tinto contract workers

17 novembre, 2015Over 100 security guards for Rio Tinto in Madagascar have won a three week strike, a first step toward addressing poor working conditions for contactors at the mine.