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Showing 3441-3450 sur 5752 results

Young workers discuss Chilean IndustriALL union policies

21 juin, 2016Young workers affiliated to IndustriALL unions in Chile met to discuss union policies at a seminar in Santiago on 2 and 3 June.

Caterpillar network meets UAW president Dennis Williams in Detroit

17 juin, 2016On 15 and 16 June, 29 Caterpillar trade union delegates from four continents met in Detroit, Michigan, at the invitation of IndustriALL Global Union and US affiliate United Auto Workers (UAW).

John Deere unions meet to strengthen cooperation

17 juin, 2016IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in North America, Brazil, Spain and Germany met in Detroit, Michigan on 13 and 14 June to advance IndustriALL’s John Deere trade union network.

Worker rights violations under spotlight at the ILO

16 juin, 2016The ILO Committee on Application of Standards at the 2016 International Labour Conference in Geneva heard testimonies from workers around the world facing increased repression and difficulties in exercising their rights enshrined in ILO Conventions.

INTERVIEW: Berthold Huber

16 juin, 2016Berthold Huber rose from an apprentice toolmaker in a bus factory to become leader of the world’s biggest national union, German metalworkers’ union, IG Metall, and President of IndustriALL Global Union. Huber, who says his role as President is to be the voice of affiliates, will step down at IndustriALL’s Congress in Rio in October.

Progress made towards an ILO standard on global supply chains

15 juin, 2016Meeting in Geneva at the 2016 International Labour Conference (ILC), the Committee on decent work in global supply chains, comprising representatives of workers, employers and governments, debated what the ILO must do to address labour rights deficits in the supply chains of multinational companies.

OPINION: What is beyond COP21?

14 juin, 2016Why is climate change a union issue? A transformation is coming, whether the
 world takes action on 
climate change or takes
 no action and awaits the consequences. We must not allow it to become a violent scramble for resources 
such as water, energy, and fertile land that completely dismisses workers’ rights and social protection. 

industriAll Europe confronts a continent in crisis

10 juin, 2016The second industriAll European Trade Union Congress took place on 7-9 June in Madrid, bringing together European unions in the manufacturing, mining, chemical and textile sectors to confront the challenges facing workers on the continent. 

Mexican union leader calls for immediate government action

9 juin, 2016Mexican trade union leader, Napoleon Gomez, is calling for the Mexican government to take immediate action to stop the grave violations of trade union rights in the country.

Holding multinational companies accountable

9 juin, 2016Jyrki Raina addressed the International Labour Conference 2016 in Geneva in the context of the discussion on decent work in supply chains. He joined the global union movement in calling for new standards to address labour rights violations in supply chains of multinational companies.