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Showing 3211-3220 sur 5753 results

Massive global support for #KoreaGeneralStrike

1 décembre, 2016Global support for the general strike in Korea shows trade union solidarity reaches far and wide. Korean unions are under heavy attack from the government and unions and workers around the world have responded in force.

Unions in Burkina Faso and Senegal fight back against precarious work

1 décembre, 2016The lives of hundreds of precarious workers have been dramatically improved by unions after they were regularized and organized in a campaign against precarious work.

Lesotho: unions demonstrate to save AGOA

1 décembre, 2016IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the Independent Democratic Union of Lesotho (IDUL) joined civil society organizations in a demonstration in the capital, Maseru, on Sunday 27 November 2016 to demand a return to the rule of law.

French National Assembly approves law on supply chain responsibility

1 décembre, 2016France has taken a step closer to adopting a law requiring companies to take greater responsibility for working conditions and environmental risks in their global supply chains.

Indian affiliates organize more than ten thousand new workers

1 décembre, 2016IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in India report successful organizing initiatives in the textile, garments, shoe and leather (TGSL) manufacturing sector.

IndustriALL and global unions rally in support of Korea general strike

30 novembre, 2016IndustriALL Global Union, BWI, IUF, PSI and Uni Global Union joined forces today in a rally in Geneva, calling for an end to the Korean government’s attack on unions and labour rights. The manifestation was a show of support for the hundreds of thousands of Korean workers who are striking today, 30 November.

Brazilian unions defend their rights and national industry

29 novembre, 2016On 25 November, trade union centres in Brazil again took to the streets in a national day of action in defence of labour and social rights. Protests were held at company gates and factory workers stopped work for at least one hour.

BAE Systems trade union network builds strategy

28 novembre, 2016Trade unions of BAE Systems from Australia, Chile, UK and the USA met in Mandurah, Western Australia from 9-10 November and developed a strategy for future cooperation. 

Shipbuilding-Shipbreaking unions focus on workers’ safety and jobs

28 novembre, 2016More than 60 participants from 18 unions gathered in Mandurah, Western Australia for the IndustriALL Global Union Shipbuilding Action Group meeting on 7-8 November 2016. 

Global unions to rally in support of Korean general strike

28 novembre, 2016Global unions representing tens of millions of workers will rally in support of the general strike in South Korea, starting at Place des Nations, Geneva on 30 November.