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Showing 3101-3110 sur 5753 results

Bangladesh: elements of a successful campaign

2 mars, 2017A behind the scenes look at a successful campaign. Bringing about social change is difficult, and clicktivism - signing an online petition - is not enough. So how do you campaign and win?

Union stands for workers’ rights at Indocement/Citeureup plant

2 mars, 201770 shop stewards from IndustriALL Indonesian affiliate FSP ISI at one of the biggest cement plants in the world, Citeureup, met for a training organized by IndustriALL Global Union on 1 March.

LafargeHolcim Indonesia head office employees fight for jobs

2 mars, 2017Almost 50 white-collar LafargeHolcim employees, members of FSP-ISI Federation, met in Jakarta today for an open discussion regarding the future of their jobs.

Dutch trade unionist wins case against Shell/NAM

2 mars, 2017FNV executive member Bob van Luijk has won an unfair dismissal case against Shell/NAM.

Strengthening the bargaining power of cement unions in South East Asia

1 mars, 2017Sixty cement union leaders and activists from Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines came together at the Citeureup (Indocement/HeidelbergCement) plant in Indonesia for an IndustriALL Global Union regional meeting on 27 and 28 February to improve the situation of workers in the cement sector.

India: trade unions call for equal pay for equal work

1 mars, 2017IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Working People Trade Union Congress (WPTUC) along with central trade unions in India organized a mass meeting in Chennai on 23 February to protest against precarious work and demand equal pay for equal work.

Belarusians protest tax on “social parasites”

1 mars, 2017Protests against an unjust law that taxes people for unemployment and accuses them of being “social parasites” were held in five cities in Belarus. 

IndustriALL Global Union Regional Conference - Report: “Towards Sustainable Industrial and Energy Policy”

28 février, 2017IndustriALL Global Union Regional Conference, 24 - 25 September 2015, Windhoek, Namibia

IndustriALL Global Union Regional Conference Report: "Towards Sustainable Industrial and Energy Policy”

28 février, 2017IndustriALL Global Union Regional Conference, 24-25 April 2014, Manila, Philippines

IndustriALL Global Union Regional Conference - Report: Towards Sustainable Industrial and Energy Policy

28 février, 2017“Towards Sustainable Industrial and Energy Policy”, 3-4 September 2014, São Paulo, Brazil