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Showing 311-320 sur 5680 results

Sri Lanka: unions protest government’s debt restructuring and labour law changes

25 juillet, 2023Despite heavy rains Sri Lankan unions held a protest in Colombo, on 25 July, against the proposed anti-worker labour law amendments and domestic debt restructuring plan which involves using the hard-earned provident fund amounts of workers and implementing anti-worker labour law amendments.

Young trade union leaders strengthen union action through international exchange

25 juillet, 2023From 17 to 21 July, 24 young trade union leaders from South America participated in the third trade union exchange program at IG Metall's training center in Sprockhövel, Germany. The exchange emphasized the importance of collective struggle for better working conditions and the development of action plans to strengthen trade union organizations.

Korean trade unions protest against escalating repression

25 juillet, 2023On 20 July 2023, the Korean Metal Workers' Union (KMWU) took another strong stand against trade union repression in Korea, calling for an end to the heavy-handed tactics employed by the government. The protest gained momentum as over 100,000 KMWU members from various industries participated in a nationwide strike in early July, demanding better labour rights and justice.

Three workers killed in explosion at Indian cement factory

24 juillet, 2023On 18 July, an explosion caused by an oxygen cylinder at UltraTech Cement's plant in Himri, Chhattisgarh, India, resulted in the death of three contract workers. Two other workers sustained injuries and are currently receiving medical treatment.

Working in war-torn Ukraine

20 juillet, 2023IndustriALL assistant general secretary Kemal Özkan shares why it is crucial to highlight and discuss workers’ situation and violations of their rights in Ukraine.  

Protecting workers' rights in Ukraine during the war and in the reconstruction of the country

20 juillet, 2023Trade union gathering in Ukraine followed by tripartite meeting with Ukrainian government, ILO and UN exposes extent of labour rights abuses and addresses trade union demands for post-war reconstruction. 

Indian unions call for better working conditions amidst country’s rise as a major chemical and tyre manufacturing hub

19 juillet, 2023Organising precarious workers, strengthening networks, demanding equal pay for equal work, and workplace health and safety emerged as top priorities for Indian affiliates participating in the chemical, pharmaceutical and tyre sectors meeting, held during 11–13 July.

Malagasy unionists arrested over QMM protests must be released!

19 juillet, 2023From 26 June to 3 July, Madagascar’s independence days, communities from the villages surrounding the Rio Tinto subsidiary QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) mining site at Mandena in Toalagnaro (Fort Dauphin) protested inadequate financial compensation on loss of livelihoods, water pollution, and community exclusion from consultations when the mining licence was renewed by the government. In dispersing the protestors, the police and gendarmerie used disproportionate force which saw ten demonstrators injured and over 80 arrested and imprisoned, including five trade unionists.

Brazil enacts law to ensure equal pay for women and men

18 juillet, 2023Brazilian President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva has signed a law guaranteeing equal pay for women and men. This is a historic step for a country where women workers earn lower average wages than men, even when their levels of education, jobs and length of service are similar.

Germany: strike ends at Vestas

17 juillet, 2023The 123-day strike at Vestas Deutschland GmbH, subsidiary of Danish Vestas, came to an end as workers voted overwhelmingly to accept a negotiated collective agreement. The outcome includes tariff commitments for wage increases, inflation compensation bonuses, partial retirement options, a remuneration system with job-related requirements, and a salary table for service technicians.