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Showing 2521-2530 sur 5753 results

Brazilian oil workers temporarily suspend national strike

4 juin, 2018IndustriALL Brazilian affiliate FUP temporarily suspended their 72-hour national strike when the court threatened the union with an extortionate fine of 2 million reais (US$540,000) per day, a clear violation of trade union rights.

IndustriALL Global Union’s statement on recent developments on steel and aluminium tariffs

1 juin, 2018The US Administration announced yesterday the imposition of import tariffs on steel and aluminium against several countries. IndustriALL Global Union reiterates its position, which is line with the Political Resolution adopted at the Second Congress, the Declaration on the Global Steel Crisis, and our statement made on 23 March, which clearly states our commitment to play a leading role within the global trade union movement and wider society to advocate our vision of fair global trade that works for all.

Exxon bars workers from joining shareholders’ meeting

1 juin, 2018Members of IndustriALL Australian affiliate AMWU travelled to Dallas, Texas in the US, to attend ExxonMobil’s annual shareholders’ meeting on 30 May to raise concerns over the long-running conflict at the company’s subsidiary Esso Australia. However, once there the four workers were denied entry despite having the necessary documents.  

Haitian government denounced at the ILO

1 juin, 2018The Haitian government was denounced in the ILO’s Committee on the Application of Standards this week for its failure to to uphold international standards and national laws on working time and freedom of associaton.

ICT, electricals and electronics unions resolve to intensify organizing

31 mai, 2018IndustriALL’s steering committee meeting of the ICT, electrical & electronics (ICT, EE) industry was held in Mumbai on 28-29 May 2018. Union representatives from around the world discussed global industry trends; evaluated current activities and future strategies to strengthen union power and respond to challenges faced by the trade union movement.

DRC unions close ranks against Glencore

30 mai, 2018Four IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), OTUC, CSC, TUMEC, and UNTC met at the Immaculata Convent, Kolwezi on 25 May, to discuss how they can build solidarity and work together against Glencore’s trampling of workers’ rights at Mutanda Mine and Kamoto Copper Mine (KCC), and to improve working conditions and win fair wages for the mineworkers.

Namibian union declares dispute over retrenchments of 600 workers at Langer Heinrich Uranium mine

30 mai, 2018With hundreds of jobs at stake, and the Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHU) mine in Erongo Province – close to Swakopmund and Walvis Bay – negotiating in bad faith, IndustriALL affiliate the Mine Workers Union of Namibia (MUN) has declared a dispute to get fair compensation for workers facing retrenchment.

Kazakhstan: union leader, prisoner of conscience, is released

29 mai, 2018Nurbek Kushakbayev, deputy chair of the KNPRK and labour inspector of the trade union of Oil Construction Company (OCC), was released from prison in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan on 28 May. His colleague Amin Yeleusinov, former chair of the OCC trade union, was released a week ago.

ILC announces list of countries to come under scrutiny

29 mai, 2018The International Labour Conference (ILC) today announced the list of 24 countries that will come under the scrutiny of the Committee on the Application of Standards for alleged violations of international labour Conventions. 

IndustriALL and PSI sign global responsible employer agreement with EDF

29 mai, 2018Today, global unions IndustriALL and PSI signed a global responsibility agreement with French electricity company EDF, covering all of EDF’s activities in 24 countries, combining compliance with international labour conventions. The agreement is designed to guarantee the development of a shared set of standards for the Group’s 160,000 employees whilst consolidating international social dialogue.