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Showing 231-240 sur 5745 results

Union win for Turkish metalworkers amid record inflation

18 janvier, 2024After months of determined industrial action, Turkish metalworkers have achieved a significant victory during sector-level collective bargaining negotiations. Amidst the nation's economic challenges, including soaring inflation rates, and despite robust profits and record-breaking revenues within the metal sector, workers carried out warning strikes, mobilizations, and various actions.


18 janvier, 2024IndustriALL is committed to advocating for the rights and inclusion of LGBTQI+ workers. Recognizing the diverse challenges they face, we strive to create safe and respectful workplaces globally no matter the gender identity or sexual orientation of workers.

Gender, equality, diversity and inclusion (GEDI)

18 janvier, 2024GEDI at IndustriALL is our commitment to promoting an inclusive and equitable environment as well as equality of opportunities and outcomes for all workers.

Indian government continues to attack trade union movement

18 janvier, 2024The reconstituted panel of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) in India excludes the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), a trade union federation comprising of unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union.

Kyrgyz union leader Eldar Tadjibaev must be released!

18 janvier, 2024As the space for freedom of association in Kyrgyzstan is shrinking, IndustriALL is urging the ILO and the European Commission to intervene, reiterating the call to the President of Kyrgyzstan to release Eldar Tadjibaev from detention.

20 per cent wage increase for textile workers in Tunisia

17 janvier, 2024Textile workers in Tunisia have received a 20 percent wage increase distributed over 2024, 2025 and 2026. The increase comes after an agreement on 12 January between IndustriALL affiliate Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir - FGTHCC-UGTT and the employers’ organization Fédération Nationale du Textile FENATEX - UTICA.

Fighting for gender equality in an increasingly unequal world

17 janvier, 2024According to new research published by Oxfam, the world’s five richest men have seen their fortunes more than double since 2020, while over the same period five billion people have become poorer. 

We need constructive cooperation between unions, governments and employers

16 janvier, 2024Under this year’s theme rebuilding trust, leaders from governments and businesses is descending on Davos for next week’s World Economic Forum. Working people are at the forefront of the rapid technological developments profoundly changing the world of work. And yet workers’ voices are conspicuously lacking from the conversations.

Garment workers in Mauritius to receive compensation from leading fashion brands

11 janvier, 2024Garment workers in Mauritius will receive up to US$508,918 from leading fashion brands Barbour and PVH, which owns Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, after an investigation found that migrant workers on the island were forced to pay thousands of pounds for their jobs.

EU must end support for MADE in Myanmar and EBA policies

11 janvier, 2024After almost three years of military rule in Myanmar, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe reiterate their call for the European Union (EU) to withdraw support for the Multistakeholder Alliance for Decent Employment in the Myanmar Apparel Industry (MADE in Myanmar) project and the EU’s Everything But Arms (EBA) preferential trade agreement. The presence of EU brands in Myanmar provides vital foreign exchange which sustains the military regime and facilitates the purchase of arms, ammunition, and fuel.