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Showing 2041-2050 sur 5752 results

PHOTO PAGE: Trade unions lead the fight for gender equality and against gender-based violence

21 mai, 2019On International Women’s Day this year, IndustriALL affiliates demonstrated their determination to advance gender equality at work. They called for women’s voices to be heard in unions, and more women in leadership positions. 

PROFILE: Organizing in the garment and textile sector in Ethiopia

20 mai, 2019On 7 March, thousands of textile and garment workers went on strike at Ethiopia’s biggest industrial park, Hawassa, demanding better wages, safe working conditions and an end to sexual harassment. The workers were not represented by a trade union, because for the past two years, management at the industrial park has refused to allow unions to organize. 

PROFILE: Indian unions fight precarious work

20 mai, 2019The All India Cement Employees Federation (AICEF) and Unions United both affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union in November 2018. While defending the rights of precarious workers and women, both industrial federations have led struggles, built union structures and overcome challenges posed by employers.

REPORT: The Future of Work, and IndustriALL Global Union

20 mai, 2019The Constitution of the International Labour Organization (ILO), adopted in the aftermath of World War I with the idea that there cannot be lasting world peace without social justice, has been described as the most ambitious social contract ever written. This year, 2019, will be the centenary of the ILO Constitution and to mark this event, on 22 January 2019 the ILO released the report of the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work, entitled “Work for a brighter future”.

Welcome to global worker

20 mai, 2019This issue of Global Worker is published at a time when the global political and economic climate continues to deteriorate. 

Building union power in broader Europe

20 mai, 2019Brexit, climate change and decarbonization, Industry 4.0, labour migration, political instability, trade wars supplemented with violations of trade union rights – all of these challenges inside and outside Europe require new answers from workers and their unions who have no other option but to work together.

FEATURE: Why we need international union solidarity now more than ever

20 mai, 2019A world in crisis needs a pathway to a better future. Unions can provide it. 

Drummond wages anti-union campaign in Colombia

20 mai, 2019Drummond Ltd Colombia is waging an anti-union campaign against Asociación Sindical de Empleados de Drummond (ASED), a duly constituted trade union established in accordance with Colombia’s labour laws and regulations.

SPECIAL REPORT: Why is mining still so dangerous?

20 mai, 2019Despite labour regulations and the efforts of unions, mining accidents take the lives of thousands of workers every year around the world and seriously damage the environment. Why is mining still so dangerous?

Bangladesh Accord achievements secured

19 mai, 2019A breakthrough agreement has been reached between the Accord and the Bangladesh garment employers’ association (BGMEA) that will ensure that the progress made on factory safety in Bangladesh will continue. On 19 May, the agreement was accepted by the Bangladesh Appellate Court which has given permission for the Accord to continue during a 12 month transition period.