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Showing 181-190 sur 5680 results

Malawi energy utility suspends 14 striking workers over wage dispute

14 décembre, 2023On 7 December over a thousand workers marched and staged a sit-in at the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) operations in the cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu to protest a pittance wage offer.  

COP28: positive but timid steps toward a fair and inclusive future for workers

13 décembre, 2023On the final day of the Conference of the Parties (COP), the message resonating from the halls of the EXPO 2020 in Dubai is one of urgent action mixed with cautious optimism. The final agreement, while acknowledging the significant gaps in climate ambition and finance, has drawn both praise and criticism from various stakeholders, including trade unions. 

Signing on for workers' rights

12 décembre, 202356 brands have so far signed the new International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, taking responsibility for workers’ rights in their supply chains. North American brands are conspicuously lacking from the list of signatories, which to date includes brands like H&M, Inditex (Zara), PVH, C&A and Otto Group.

Philippines ratifies ILO Convention 190

12 décembre, 2023After four years of campaigning led by IndustriALL Philippine affiliates, the country’s Senate has ratified the ILO Convention on violence and harassment, making Philippines the 37th country in the world to do so.

Union leaders in Kyrgyzstan must be released immediately

11 décembre, 2023Union leader Eldar Tadjibaev, chair of the Mining and Metallurgy Trade Union of Kyrgyzstan (MMTUK), was arrested together with several other union leaders on 6 December, as part of increasing pressure on unions and restrictions of freedom of association in the country.

COP28: People’s plenary demands climate justice and urgent action

11 décembre, 2023Consensus was clear — urgent action is imperative, and the global community must prioritize addressing climate issues with a steadfast commitment to justice and inclusivity of all those affected. Amidst the powerful speeches, calls resonated for the recognition of Indigenous rights, an immediate ceasefire in Palestine, and for the well-being of future generations.

Tesla strike action spreads across borders

8 décembre, 2023Six weeks into IF Metall’s strike for a collective agreement at auto manufacturer Tesla, the solidarity strike action is spreading not only in Sweden, but also to neighbouring Denmark and Norway.

Austrian unions secure substantial gains in metalworking bargaining round

8 décembre, 2023Austrian unions Pro-GE and GPA have emerged as winners from the latest round of bargaining in the metal industry. Following an intense battle and the first walkout in the Austrian metal industry since 2018, the unions' concerted efforts have resulted in significant gains for over 200,000 workers across six sub-sectors.

Week one at COP28 comes to an end and unions prepare for the second week

7 décembre, 2023The general feeling is that this COP can’t be about climate change objective setting and process it must be about solid policies and implementation. Trade unions are at COP28 to make sure that the policies and implementation leave no one behind!

COP28: expectations from unions in Sub-Saharan Africa

7 décembre, 2023Sub-Saharan Africa's trade unions, including IndustriALL affiliates, are actively engaging in commitments to reduce carbon emissions and phase out fossil fuels. While advocating for sustainable development and sectoral transitions, they emphasize the need for a Just Transition, prioritizing socio-economic rights.