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Showing 1471-1480 sur 5684 results

Action on textile and garment industry

15 juillet, 2020Workers bore the brunt of the breakdown of the textile and garment supply chain, brought on by the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector’s unsustainable business model. Order cancellations drove wholesale closure of thousands of garment factories, with millions of workers laid off in countries with no social safety net.

Global unions condemn Philippines Anti-Terrorism Act

15 juillet, 2020Global union federations, Including IndustriALL Global Union, have unequivocally condemned the approval of Anti-Terrorism Act by the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte on 3 July 2020.

Aerospace companies must assume responsibility in Morocco and Tunisia

15 juillet, 2020The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the aerospace industry hard, and the crisis is expected to last for three to five years. With business deteriorating, companies are announcing extensive restructuring, including laying off ten thousands workers worldwide.

Garment manufacturer in Myanmar uses Covid-19 to bust union

14 juillet, 2020Kamcaine Manufacturing in Myanmar is using the ongoing pandemic as an excuse for union busting in its factory in Yangon, dismissing 57 workers, all members of IndustriALL affiliate IWFM.

Ukrainian coal miners win after 11-day protest

14 juillet, 2020Since 30 June, hundreds of coal miners and their wives have been protesting in Kiev, Ukraine, demanding that coal mine operations restart and wage arrears are settled. On 12 July, protestors could finally return to their homes across Ukraine after the government guaranteed action.

Gokaldas Exports continues union busting in India

10 juillet, 2020Women workers who earn less than US$ 4.5 a day producing clothes for H&M, Gap and Adidas, have been fighting for their livelihoods for more than a month, as garment factory owner Gokaldas Exports have illegally laid off 1,200 workers at its only unionized factory.

Avera garment workers strike for suspended colleague

10 juillet, 2020The union at Avera garment company in Tunisia successfully went on strike on 10 July to protest the suspension of the local union leader.

Joint statement of IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union on Israel’s annexation of Palestinian lands

8 juillet, 2020IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union jointly express their opposition and protest against Israel’s annexation of Palestinian lands in contradiction of the spirit and provisions of international law.

India’s safety crisis: industrial accidents during Covid-19 kill at least 75

7 juillet, 2020Since May, there has been more than 30 industrial accidents in India, killing at least 75 workers, injuring over a hundred. These numbers are based on reported incidents and the real number may be far higher.

Vietnamese unions support ratification of convention on abolition of forced labour

7 juillet, 2020IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Vietnam welcome the the Vietnamese National Assembly’s unanimous approval of ratification of ILO C105 on abolition of forced labour and commit to play a leading role in eliminating forced labour in manufacturing industries.