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Showing 1261-1270 sur 5684 results

Unions demand: Stop dismantling at Sanofi!

17 décembre, 2020Sanofi workers’ unions from all regions, affiliated with IndustriALL Global Union, united this week to call on the leading pharmaceutical company to stop stripping back and cutting jobs.

Approaches and responses to Covid-19 in MENA’s energy sector

17 décembre, 2020The pandemic has brought a sharp drop in oil and gas prices, heavily impacting the oil and gas dependent MENA countries. IndustriALL affiliates in the energy sector met virtually on 30 November to discuss the impact of and approaches and responses to Covid-19, as well as how they tackle the energy transition that is taking place in the region.

Glencore workers in Peru stage indefinite strike over labour abuse

16 décembre, 2020Workers at Empresa Minera Los Quenuales, a subsidiary of Glencore Finance Bermuda Ltd in Peru, launched an indefinite strike on 1 December over labour violations, mainly related to health and safety during the pandemic.

End repression and killings of trade unionists, Duterte told

16 décembre, 2020On 30 November, trade unionists around the world joined a global day of action for the Philippines, holding protests in the streets and at Philippine embassies, calling on President Rodrigo Duterte to end the repression and killing of trade unionists. The Philippine government responded by arresting six trade unionists and a journalist on 10 December.

Nexperia workers win collective bargaining after protests

16 décembre, 2020Workers at Nexperia Philippines have achieved a breakthrough in their collective bargaining after hundreds of workers held a silent protest, staged a noise barrage at the canteen and wore red shirts to work.

Eastern European and Central Asian unions stand strong against challenges

15 décembre, 2020Over 50 union leaders and activists from 45 affiliates in eleven Eastern European and Central Asian countries met to discuss challenges, victories and union experiences during the pandemic.

Turkish unions unite to build power in auto industry

14 décembre, 2020A workshop on 8-9 December brought together participants from IndustriALL’s three Turkish affiliates in the metal sector, Türk Metal, Özçelik-İş and Birleşik metal-İş, as well as from the US, France, Italy and Germany, to discuss using global framework agreements and other international instruments as tools for organizing. 

FEATURE: Black Lives Matter - on our streets, in our workplaces, in our unions

14 décembre, 2020After the brutal killing of George Floyd by police in the US in May this year, a wave of protest swept across the world. People took to the streets to voice what should be obvious: Black Lives Matter. From Detroit to London, from Paris to Geneva, people came together to denounce structural racism. 

Ten years after the Arab Spring, the region’s unions take stock

11 décembre, 2020IndustriALL Global Union’s Middle East and North Africa region met online on 10 December to take stock after a challenging year. Many of the issues faced in the region - high unemployment, conflict, and a poor economic outlook - have been made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Reindustrializing Latin America and the Caribbean

11 décembre, 2020On 8 December, more than 150 union leaders from the base metal, energy and automotive sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean completed a series of seminars and working groups as part of a project run by IndustriALL and Union to Union.