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Showing 1251-1260 sur 5684 results

Indonesia: local union leader must be reinstated

22 décembre, 2020IndustriALL Indonesian affiliate Lomenik is calling on PT Kemet Batam Electronics to reinstate the local Lomenik union secretary, dismissed in November for alleged unauthorized leave.

Moroccan miners end underground protest

21 décembre, 2020As negotiations with the employer over a breached agreement have started, the 100 mine workers in Morocco who spent the last ten days 700 metres underground have suspended their sit-in.

Global unions call for justice for Saudi women‘s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul

21 décembre, 2020The global unions express alarm and strong indignation at Saudi Arabia’s State Prosecutor’s decision to seek the maximum jail sentence for women’s rights activist Loujain al-Hathloul.  She has been imprisoned on charges of terrorism for advocating for women’s rights.

REPORT: Due diligence across the battery supply chain

20 décembre, 2020There are numerous reports on projected ever-higher growth rates of battery demand and production volumes over the next decades. Most studies expect a growth of between 15 and 20 per cent until 2030, but growth will be big, regardless of the exact figure. This will have a deep impact on all industrial sectors along the battery supply chain organized by IndustriALL Global Union affiliates: mining, chemicals, energy, electronics, automotive, as well as others.

Alarming attacks on labour laws during Covid-19 in South Asia

18 décembre, 2020Across South Asian countries labour laws are facing increased attacks undermining workers’ rights including freedom of association and collective bargaining. IndustriALL South Asia affiliates call for building national and international solidarity to protect workers’ rights.

GS corner

18 décembre, 2020As 2020 draws to an end, IndustriALL general secretary Valter Sanches reflects on one of most challenging years for mankind in many decades.

Significant step forward for homebased workers in Sindh, Pakistan

18 décembre, 2020The Homebased Women Workers Federation (HBWWF) has signed a MoU with the regional government’s labour department to register homebased workers. The process will help thousands of workers to receive social protection benefits in the future. 

Union settles tough wage negotiations in the garment sector in South Africa

18 décembre, 2020After four months of negotiations, IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU), settled a wage agreement in the garment industry on 8 December.

Goodyear Indonesia workers return to protest line

17 décembre, 202044 Goodyear Indonesia workers returned to the protest line in Bogor city, demanding that the company reinstate all 44 workers in accordance to the advice of the city Manpower office, provide back pay since 22 June and year-end bonus.

Moroccan miners hold underground sit-in

17 décembre, 2020100 Moroccan mine workers have spent the past week 700 metres underground, occupying the Jebel Aouam mine near M’rirt in Khénifra province. Another 200 workers are protesting above ground.