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Showing 1011-1020 sur 5748 results

Two workers killed in one week at Holcim plants in India

22 octobre, 2021In the space of one week, two fatalities occurred at two separate ACC cement plants in India. The circumstances surrounding the accidents has not been made clear to unions. ACC is owned by Holcim.

Korean unions use Squid Game to mobilize for general strike

22 octobre, 2021The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions used the popular Netflix series Squid Game in a video to mobilize workers to join the 20 October general strike.

Union win as DOW backtracks on decision to close plant in Argentina

21 octobre, 2021After two months of campaigning by workers, multinational DOW has gone back on its decision to close its plant in Puerto General San Martín, a closure where 4,000 jobs would have been lost.

General strike in Korea for workers’ rights and Just Transition

21 octobre, 2021Korean unions, led by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), staged a general strike across the country on 20 October to protest attacks on freedom of association, demand union rights, and to call for a Just Transition. IndustriALL Global Union affiliates the Korean Metal Workers' Union (KMWU) and Korea Chemical & Textile Workers’ Federation (KCTF) joined the strike.

French electricity and gas workers mobilize for their rights

21 octobre, 2021French unions FNME-CGT, FCE-CFDT, CFE-CGC Energies and FO Energie took action on 19 October, to fight back against social regression and attacks on pension and unemployment insurance schemes, as well as to demand higher wages.

Unions call for social dialogue in HeidelbergCement

20 octobre, 2021The impact of Covid on the cement industry, health and safety, clean technology and workers’ rights were among the issues discussed with more than 70 trade unionists from 20 countries who met online for the joint IndustriALL, BWI and EFBWW HeidelbergCement global union network meeting. The meeting was organized with support of Friedrich Ebert foundation.

Unions fear job losses if AGOA eligibility is withdrawn from Ethiopia

20 octobre, 2021Ethiopian unions fear that millions of jobs will be lost if the United States withdraws the country’s eligibility for the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) which gives duty-free access to the country’s textile, garments, shoe, leather and other products.

Historic John Deere strike enters second week

19 octobre, 2021For the first time in 35 years, 10,000 workers are on strike at 14 John Deere plants Iowa, Illinois, and Kansas in the US.

Unions campaign for recognition at Chinese-owned textile and garment factories in Uganda

14 octobre, 2021After recruiting and organizing most of the workers in the Chinese-owned textile and garment factories in Mbalala Mukono, the Uganda Textile Garment Leather and Allied Workers Union (UTGLAWU) is shocked by the continued refusal by the employers to recognize the union, in violation of Uganda labour law.

Thai lingerie workers call on government to take action against Victoria’s Secret supplier

14 octobre, 2021The Confederation of Industrial Labour of Thailand (CILT) is calling on the Thai Prime Minister to take legal action against Victoria's Secret supplier Brilliant Alliance Thai Global Ltd. (BAT), which owes 1,388 workers unpaid wages and severance pay for seven months, and to assume responsibility for the money owed to workers.