10 January, 2010IMF affiliated CSC-METAL (CCMB) and ACV-CSC TEXTURA join forces and form ACV-CSC METEA a new strong union in the industrial sector.

BELGIUM: IMF affiliate in Belgium, Centrale Chrétienne des Métallurgistes de Belgique - CCMB and the textile union ACV-CSC TEXTURA decided to merge on December 12, 2009 into a new single strong union ACV-CSC METEA.
The new union is created in order to effectively meet future challenges and will operate in the industrial, technological and related sectors. ACV-CSC METEA is primarily designed to defend workers' interests and deliver excellent services to members as well as develop dynamic activities at the shop floor and sector levels.
The new organization unites in its ranks 250,000 members and 12,500 shop stewards, representing the largest number of workers in its sectors in Belgium.
At the national level the new union is affiliated to the Belgian Christian confederation of trade unions ACV-CSC. At the European level the union affiliates to the European Metalworkers' Federations. At the international level ACV-CSC METEA affiliates to two global union federations: the International Textile, Garment & Leather Workers' Federation ITGWLF and the International Metalworkers' Federation IMF.
Marc De Wilde was elected as President of the new organization.
Contacts details of the new organization:
Avenue Pagodes 1-3
Tel.: +32 2 2449911
Fax. : +32 2 2449990
Email : [email protected]