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Showing 5131-5140 sur 5745 results

IndustriALL supports democracy process in Tunisia

26 mars, 2013Ahead of the World Social Forum in Tunis, IndustriALL meets with the government and UGTT unions to reconfirm its support for the democratic development process in Tunisia.

ArcelorMittal faces union action in Europe

26 mars, 2013ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest steel company, is facing a turbulent time in the months to come. Unions across Europe are planning a day of action on 4 April under the banner of IndustriAll Europe.

Iraqi judiciary used to persecute trade union

21 mars, 2013In a clear reprisal attack for trade union activism at the state-owned South Oil Company (SOC), Hassan Juma’a Awad the head of IndustriALL’s affiliate, the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU), now faces criminal charges launched by the authorities.

South African Unilever workers’ solidarity for Dutch colleagues

21 mars, 2013Members of the IndustriALL-affiliated CEPPWAWU trade union in South Africa conducted a one and a half day work stoppage on 15 and 18 March, in a strong demonstration of international solidarity with Unilever workers in the Netherlands whose jobs have been outsourced.

Dutch electronics multinational NXP locks out Thai workers

21 mars, 2013Hundreds of union members were forced to leave the production line at NXP Manufacturing in Laksi, Bangkok at midnight on 27 February. The workers were given only two choices: to sign a company form to accept a new work system and keep their job, or leave.

Retrenchment deal softens the blow at Rio Tinto Rossing

21 mars, 2013The Mineworkers Union of Namibia has negotiated favourable retrenchment packages for 276 workers at Rio Tinto’s Rossing Mine. The mine has been experiencing losses for some time affected by lower demand and prices for uranium.

Unity and cooperation encouraged in Zimbabwe

21 mars, 2013Zimbabwean affiliates met to discuss challenges they face in union building amid tensions in the country over the referendum for a new constitution; a reminder of the on-going political difficulties faced by labour.

Petrotrin workers forced back to work after strike

21 mars, 2013On 13 March, thousands of employees of the state-owned oil company Petrotrin, members of the Oil Workers Trade Union (OWTU), affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, stopped work and demonstrated in front of the company's offices in Point-a-Pierre, Trinidad and Tobago, to protest at the company's failure to comply with the terms of the collective agreement signed one year ago.

Sustainable unionism discussed in Cote d’Ivoire

21 mars, 2013IndustriALL affiliates met with project coordinator Paule Ndessomin in Abidjan at the end of February to discuss how project work in HIV and AIDS can contribute to building strong unions.

Workers defend Colombian steel industry

21 mars, 2013Around 500 workers employed by Acerías Paz del Río, Gerdau Diaco and Sidenal, demonstrated to demand government measures to defend the national steel industry and protect jobs.