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FUP prepares September strike in defence of Petrobras

29 julio, 2015After the 24-hour strike on 24 July, members of the main oil industry union in Brazil, FUP/CUT, are preparing another strike in September in defence of Petrobras.

Support 1,140 Indian mineworkers organizing at bullying Thriveni

23 julio, 2015You can lend your support to the 1,140 mineworkers at the Odisha Project of Thriveni Earthmovers who are facing harsh retaliation from their employer to their effort to organize a union. The backlash has included death threats. Click here to write to the Thriveni management and local government.

NUM fighting back on retrenchments at Kumba Iron Ore

23 julio, 2015The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has succeeded in getting Kumba Iron Ore to retract offers made individually to workers.

22-month USW strike ends in agreement with Crown in Toronto

23 julio, 2015American beer can giant Crown has damaged the lives of IndustriALL Global Union members in Canada, Turkey and Ghana over the last two years. USW members in Toronto voted on 19 July to accept a new collective agreement and end their determined 22-month strike.

Historic official registration of CTUM union in Myanmar

23 julio, 2015IndustriALL Global Union celebrates the historic awarding of the trade union registration certificate to the Confederation of Trade Unions in Myanmar, today 23 July.

IndustriALL Global Union keeps fighting back through active campaigns

23 julio, 2015Attacks against fundamental rights are continuing and increasing all over the world. Governments and multinational companies use all dirty tactics to prevent workers from joining a union of their free choice and keep them away from our important tools collective bargaining and strikes.

Philippine affiliates affirm sustainable industrial policy as a priority issue

22 julio, 2015Philippine unions reiterated their commitment to promote sustainable industrial policy as a priority issue at the conclusion of a one-day workshop on the topic on 18 July.

A decisive week for Glencore workers in Peru

21 julio, 2015Two unions affiliated to the FNTMMSRP (National Miners’ Federation of Peru), which is in turn affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union, face a decisive week in Peru. SUTRACOMASA (Union of Antamina Workers) will begin talks with Antamina on 21 July and SITRAMINA will meet representatives of Antapaccay S.A on 24 July to discuss the company’s anti-trade union practices. Both companies are partly owned  by Glencore.

Fatality at Gerdau plant in Uruguay

21 julio, 2015Nery Alvarez was killed in a workplace accident at the Gerdau-Laisa steel plant in Uruguay on 14 July. IndustriALL Global Union extends its sincerest condolences to his family and colleagues.

Case study: Accessing company financial information

16 julio, 2015Having up-to-date financial company information is crucial for unions to negotiate the best terms for employees. But many businesses block access to their accounts weakening unions’ bargaining power.