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IndustriALL signs an open letter to Samsung

26 agosto, 2015On behalf of a newly formed global justice and human rights network, leaders from a wide range of civil society organizations from in Asia, Europe, Africa, North and South America, have released an open letter to Kwon oh hyun, CEO of Samsung Electronics. The key demand is that the South Korean technology giant adopts the recent recommendations of a prestigious Mediation Committee.

Determined struggle brings Iraqi workers new labour law

26 agosto, 2015A ten-year national and international campaign has resulted in the enactment of a new labour code in Iraq.

We need more women leaders!

25 agosto, 2015Women and men together take better decisions and organize more workers than men alone. That is why we need more women in the leadership of trade unions at the local, national and global level.

Ansell faces Aussie protests against treatment of Sri Lankan workers

25 agosto, 2015Unionists from the textile, manufacturing and construction sectors in Australia descended on the Melbourne-headquarters of condom and glove manufacturer Ansell today to demand better treatment of workers in Sri Lanka.

VW workers declare indefinite strike against redundancies at Taubaté plant in Brazil

24 agosto, 2015On 17 August, Volkswagen announced that 100 workers are to lose their jobs at its plant in Taubaté, Brazil. Workers have responded by declaring an indefinite strike. IndustriALL Global Union offers its support and solidarity to the workers and calls on the company to negotiate in order to avoid an unwanted dispute.

Argentina textile unions unite to campaign against precarious work

24 agosto, 2015Five textile industry unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union have agreed to join forces to campaign against precarious work in the sector, following a meeting in Buenos Aires on 11 August. 

USW mobilizes for fair contracts in steel industry

21 agosto, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliate the United Steelworkers (USW) is holding a week of action in the United States to demand a fair contract with steel giants ArcelorMittal and U.S. Steel.

Industry bargaining for living wages

18 agosto, 2015As pressure is increasing on multinational corporations (MNCs) to account for violations of workers’ rights in their global supply chains, trade unions are identifying how MNCs’ own sourcing practices lead to these violations and developing new models of cooperation to change them. IndustriALL is working with major clothing brands in a process known as ACT to create a system that can increase wages in a sustainable and enforceable way.

Upcoming elections at Honda in Mexico to be closely watched

17 agosto, 2015After countless delays and obstacles, a long-awaited union certification election at Honda Mexico looks set to go ahead.

Four-day drivers’ strike to hit Indesit deliveries in UK

17 agosto, 2015Strike actions are planned in the UK by IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Unite following resistance by domestic appliance manufacturer, Indesit, to go beyond their original offer of a 1.5 per cent pay increase from January 2015.