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Italy: union win for Enel workers

13 May, 2024Three Italian unions affilitated to IndustriALL, namely Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Chimica Tessile Energia Manifatture (FILCTEM-CGIL), Federazione Lavoratori Aziende Elettriche Italiana (FLAEI-CISL) and Unione Italiana Lavoratori Tessile Energia e Chimica (UILTEC-UIL), ended their strike at Enel after months of negotiations with management who had intentions to redefine the industrial relations model. The unions and Enel management reached an agreement in late April. 

Liberian union signs collective agreement

8 May, 2024IndustriALL affiliated union, United Workers Union of Liberia (UWUL) signed a three-year collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with public utility Liberia Electricity Corporation on 2 May, after months of negotiations.  

Strengthening union organization in Iraq’s oil and gas sector

9 April, 2024The first founding congress to elect the leadership of the Basra branch of the General Federation of Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Unions in Iraq (GFOGPUI) was held on 9 March under the slogan: Organizing, is the real support of the Iraqi trade union movement.   

Nigerian unions protest increasing cost of living

28 February, 2024On 27 and 28 February thousands of Nigerian workers went on nationwide protests against the increasing cost of living caused by what unions summarize as anti-worker economic austerity measures, that were introduced by the Federal Government of Nigeria. 

Malawi energy utility suspends 14 striking workers over wage dispute

14 December, 2023On 7 December over a thousand workers marched and staged a sit-in at the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) operations in the cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu to protest a pittance wage offer.  

Urgent appeal to release workers missing from Ukrainian power plant

2 November, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and IndustriAll European Union are urgently calling for immediate action to locate and secure the release of workers who have disappeared from the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine.

Just Transition in Turkey still has a long way to go

2 November, 2023EU policies are starting to force Turkey to develop climate strategies, but green and socially responsible industrial policies are not yet emerging, and a lack of social dialogue means that workers and their unions are not best placed to shape the transition.

Organizing is key in growing battery industry

6 October, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union held their first joint meeting on the battery supply chain in Budapest, Hungary on 5 and 6 October. The joint global meeting was seen as a positive and successful experience by the participants. Both organisations will explore further international cooperation and develop future activities to support affiliates in organising workers throughout the battery supply chain.

Kazakhstan: oil workers finally achieve union registration

1 September, 2023After a strenuous two-year ordeal, the Trade Union of Fuel and Energy Industry Workers has managed to register a branch of its union in the city of Almaty. On 11 August, an order was issued to register a branch for workers in the fuel and energy sector. The order came after the union won a lawsuit against the minister of justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Take a stand against union repression in France

29 August, 2023French judicial authorities have decided to summon and prosecute several FNME-CGT trade union leaders and activists for collective action during the pension reform protests earlier this year. Together with industriAll Europe and EPSU, IndustriALL Global Union is taking a firm stand against the move to target union leaders exercising their rights and are joining the call for solidarity actions.