4 July, 2012IndustriALL Global Union Swedish affiliate IF Metall concluded a Global Framework Agreement (GFA) setting out principles of respect for core labour standards and sustainability with Saab AB, an aerospace and defence aircraft manufacturer.
The framework agreement was signed on 13 June 2012 and covers all employees of the Group, its suppliers and subcontractors. The agreement outlines the principles by which it will operate, including referring to the International Labour Organization an dthe OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The agreement includes clauses on:
- non-tolerance of child and forced labour,
- providing all employees with a safe and healthy working environment,
- commitment to no discrimination, harassment or abuse at the workplace,
- recognition of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and
- contributing to sustainable development.
In a separate clause the company undertakes “not to organize or finance company/«yellow» unions, not to implement or support any union busting activity and not to adopt initiatives capable to discourage workers from forming authentic unions.”
Saab AB is a Swedish aerospace and defence aircraft manufacturer with over 13,000 employees. More than 60 per cent of company sales are made abroad, its most important markets today are Europe, South Africa, Australia and the US.
Currently, IndustriALL Global Union has three GFAs signed with Swedish-based multinational companies including Electrolux, SKF and Saab AB.