20 December, 2012Fellesforbundet, Tekna, NITO, IndustriALL Global Union and Aker ASA will work together to secure implementation of GFA.
On 17 December, the Global Framework Agreement (GFA) was renewed for the third time at Aker ASA. The first and second agreements were made between Fellesforbundet, International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF) and Aker ASA in October 2008 and in November 2010 with 2 years duration respectively. This time, the newly signed GFA also includes Tekna and NITO, engineering trade unions, as signatory parties and the agreement is applicable for an indeterminate duration.
The agreement covers provisions on freedom of association and collective bargaining rights, discrimination, forced labour, child labour, health and safety, living wages, employment conditions, working hours, HIV/AIDS, environmental issues and skills training, referencing the standards as established by the core labour conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO).
Aker ASA with its industrial holdings employs approximately 24,000 workers in around 30 countries. The agreement relates to all parts of Aker and states that the company will use its influence to secure compliance with the standards set out in the agreement with its subsidiaries and third party business associates, with non-compliance ultimately resulting in potential termination of a contractual relationship.
At the signing event, CEOs of the industrial holdings from Aker Solutions, Kvaerner, Det norske oljeselskap, Aker BioMarine, and Aker Seafoods also attended and exchanged opinions on the future implementation of the GFA, together with the trade unions and employee members of the board of directors.
Øyvind Eriksen, CEO Aker ASA insisted on the importance to integrate the GFA into the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy in more practical ways. All the participants confirmed to work together in building, developing, and managing the process which secures implementation of the GFA in all workplaces.